Why are you acting weird?

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Jake has been acting weird today.

Normally we all spend time on the dock to relax and take normally sits next to Clara but he sat as far away as he could from Clara, whenever Clara wanted to talk to him he would act like he didn't hear her.

"why is he acting so weird" Emily whispered in my ear.

"I have absolutely no idea" I responded

"hi guys," a voice says behind me I turn to look behind me and it's Mya

She makes the decision of sitting between Emily and Clara making better for Jake as he's further away from Clara.

"why do I feel weird," Mya asked

"its because you separated Jake away from his girlfriend even more," Emily said

Out of all the people she teases, but as her twin brother you'd think she'd tease me more but she teases Jake like no other.

"She isn't my girlfriend how many times do I have to tell you" Jake yelled obviously annoyed.

"why are you guys acting so weird," I say

"I'm not he's making it weirder than it has to be," Clara said she looked at me like she wanted to kill me.

"Me!" Jake said
"You're getting it wrong I'm acting completely normal you are the one acting totally weird," Jake said

"Ohh really if you're not acting weird tell them why 'I'm being weird them," Clara asked she looked like if Jake said another word she'd strangle him.

"No I'm not in the mood" Jake said

"so you won't admit that you kissed me"

"You kissed her!"
"You kissed her"
"Wait can we slow down for a moment this is all going by to fast," Mya asked

"yes he did" Clara responded

"Jake I told you to make a move on her not that kind of move," I say

" you know what I'm done talking about this" Jake says and he starts walking away from the dock.

"oh no we're not," Clara says and she gets up to follow Jake

"wow is this what you guys argue about" Mya asked

"no I never thought that Jake would be able to kiss Clara," Emily says "I'm actually really surprised"

"huh me too," I say

" well I came here to talk to you guys about a dream I had two nights ago" mya said

"What was it?" Emily asked

"It was about my mother she told me about joining her army or something like that and she told me that I had to make a decision in 3 days," Mya said

        Shes have only been here for two days and she's already getting dreams. 

        When I was little I got a lot of "dreams" when I was 5, I would usually end up screaming and crying, Emily moved out of the room we shared because she wasn't getting enough sleep and her teachers were starting to get worried about her home life, but other than that whenever I got a nightmare my dad would be the one to calm me down as my mom had to deal with just having a baby and with Emily being annoyed at me yelling and screaming every other night about ruining her precious sleep, but I would be taken out of my room and be carried to the living room because I didn't want to step on the floor.
I would have my favorite drink made which was horchata, a mixture of cinnamon, boiling sugar, vanilla, and water. My dad would stay up with me until I fell asleep watching cartoons late at night and he would never leave my side until the next morning.

        I got lucky with having loving, caring, And stable parents who are there for me, but some didn't get as lucky as I did.

        "did she say what the army was for" Emily asked

          "I don't remember what she said it was for it she said it was an army full of half-bloods and she said if I join I can finally see my father and my brother again," Mya said

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