The quest

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        Clara POV
             Three days later
   My mom and dad left camp with my sister I was walking along camp and I saw a big group of people surrounded by....THE ORACLE she was saying a prophecy

The daughter of ice and the four shall go to the land beyond the gods
To find a secret that has been kept from two
And also to unleash WAR

After she said the prophecy she passed out on the floor "a quest it's a prophecy from a quest I NEED CLARA JACKSON,EMILY DI ANGELO,MAX DI ANGELO,JAKE VALDEZ,AND MYA TURANK IN THE BIG HOUSE NOW!!!" Chiron yelled I ran to the big house immediately.

I'm at the big house with Emily,Clara,Jake,and Mya and Chiron the oracle said a prophecy earlier and it said THE FOUR and the DAUGHTER OF ICE go to the land beyond the gods "so as you guys may know there was a prophecy to a quest with all five of you" Chiron said "your leaving tomorrow at noon to Canada" he said and Jake looks worried "wait but my ship isn't ready it going to need to take another week for me to finish" he said "I'm sorry Jake but you will leave tomorrow your going to need to go to Canada on foot" Chiron said he was walking back and fourth which made me nervous "but what part of Canada" Jake said "I don't know" Chiron said "REMEMBER YOU ALL LEAVE TOMORROW AT NOON" Chiron said and we all left the big house and then I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around and its Clara "can I talk to you in my cabin alone" she said "okay" I said and we walk to her cabin

Emily POV
    I went to my cabin to pack I grab my backpack from under my bed and put it on my bed and start packing "Emily" a voice said I turn around it's my other younger brother Ricky "were are you going" he said he was only 8 "um..." I said "can I talk to you about something" he said "sure come sit on my bed" I said and we both sat down on my bed "what do you want to talk about" I said "um I just wanted some advice about girls" he said AWW he my little brother likes someone "who's the lucky girl" I said "Isabel Grace" he said Isabel Grace the granddaughter of Aphrodite and Zeus
The daughter of Jason and Piper Grace
"The granddaughter of Aphrodite stole your heart" I said

"Yea she did I really like her so you have advice on how to not act like an idiot around her"

"Well first try to be her friend-"
"Um in case you didn't know I am her BEST FRIEND" he said

"Okay well you know I'm not good at that stuff so I am going to get straight to the point-"

"Can I interrupt you one more time but the worst part is that she doesn't like me back she likes Tyler Zhang and he doesn't even like her back" he said I can tell he was trying to hold back a sob
"You know what if she doesn't like you back why do you like her your a nice guy one day she will realize the great person you are"

"I know she doesn't like me back but she is a really really really great person and she is so pretty with her blond,brown hair and multi-colored eyes her great personality why is love so hard" he said grunting at the last part as he put his head to the wall I moved my body all the way to the wall were he was
"It's okay" I said and started hugging him.Me and my mom are always the best at comforting people my brother was the worst he is really shy we were both asked to make a speech at our 6 grade graduation I was all for it and Max refused "it will be okay Ricky if she doesn't like you back she's missing out at having a great person to love in her life" I said "does she know you like her?" I said "no" Ricky said and I just stayed there for minutes and maybe even hours but my brother needed me and I won't leave until he wants me to leave.

(A/N there is a quest and they need to go to Canada and I just wanted to add a little brother/sister moment and don't worry if you want a Rick POV I will be happy to write it)

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