°o. Stand Up ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

Start from the beginning

Later in the Show

"Now it's time for twitter questions." You announce making the crowd cheer. "You guys tweet me your questions and I answer them. If you're here in the audience, scream if it's your question." You explain. "Doesn't matter how stupid they are, I'll answer them." You add as the screen behind/above you brings up the first tweet.

"Ok, so first question." You turn around to read it. "From @Fandoms_Hero and they ask: If you were a kind of cheese, which kind would you be?" You turn to the crowd as you hear a yell. "This is going to be an interesting segment."

Few Questions Later

"What would your personal choice be if you had to pick a side in Civil War?" You read the question. "Finally, a good question." You turn to the audience. "I would personally pick... (Y/CW/S)--" You hear some 'aws' in the audience. 

"--because (Tony/Steve) is right, (superheroes need to have some kind of limit to their power so the world will be safe/superheroes need to be free, they can't be under the watchful eye of the government).

"But they both are fighting for what they believe is right for the world, right for the safety of the human or inhuman/mutant races. No one is right and no one is wrong." You add. "At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what side you are on, your feels get destroyed."


"Last question!" You cheer. "And it's from..." You sigh at the name. "It's from @ChrisEvans--" You get cut off by a really loud manly cheer. "--Would you like to come up and asking instead, Chris?" You ask.

"Yes!" Chris shouts back as he stands up.

"Do you have Mackie with you?" You ask noticing he tagged Anthony in the question too.


"Bring him with!" You command and Mackie gets up too. "(Rob/Clark), do we have two extra mics?" You ask the stagehand, he shakes his head.

"No, we only have one." He informs.

"First one up here gets a mic." You say and they start to sprint towards the stage making everyone laugh.


"So," Chris holds the mic with a pouty Anthony standing next to him. "me and Mackie were wondering why don't you have a creepy stalker crush on one of us instead of Seb?"

Your face flushes red slightly making the crowd laugh.

"I think I listed why earlier." You say.

"Oh, we already knew that stuff by the way you watched him during the fighting scenes." Mackie smirks, your drop your head into your hands. "We want to know the more stalkerish details."

"Why?" You whine.

They look at each other and shrug.

"Embarrassment purposes." Chris answers.

"You know I can just kick you out." You deadpan.

"But you won't." They point out.

You let out a long exaggerated sigh.

"How many reasons?"


"Okay." You put your hand on your hip while thinking. "Reason one is that... is that he's a really sweet and nice person. While filming for Civil War we got a lot closer. He's a dork. He's one of my best friends. And..." You rub the back of your neck. "I saw The Bronze, so I can confirm he has a nice ass." You admit making the two laugh along with everyone else.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now