chapter 7

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Jasmine's *pov* :

The boys have a week off and they will have to leave afterwards for 4 months and we won't be able to see them so we decided to make the most of it. Leo's idea to go celebrate the new engaged couple was brilliant as I'm not ready to leave Louis just yet. Locus took us to a club that he knew and the place was outstanding we were enjoying ourselves very much dancing and chatting.

" What would you like to drink jass ? " Louis asked me. " I don't know baby you choose for me what you want " I said and Leo laughed hard and me and Louis gave him a confused look. " You are asking her what she want to drink ? She doesn't have an opinion you go choose something for her. She can't do anything 'mate' even choosing her own drink " Leo said and I felt fire all over my body he was insulting me and he meant it. " What do you mean Leo ? " I asked him in hope that he could explain

" Well love you can't decide even what to drink. You can never make a choice in your life and it's a fact I have known since we were kids you are incapable of making any decisions get over it " Leo said and Louis looked at him with wide eyes. " So that's how you see me then ! Sorry were are not like you mr perfect. We all have flaws so deal with it and get over yourself Leo. And I'm not that helpless and I can make my own decisions " I said while I was enraged.

" Really ! What was the las decisions that you ever took alone ! " Leo asked me while raising his eyebrows. I took a minute to answer that and he rolled his eyes as if he proved his point " well it's not probably the best time to mention it but I decided to take the course that the university are going to begin next week " I said and they all looked at me in surprise.

" Wow way to go jasmine " Locus said giving me a thumps up. " Yaay the moment they mentioned it I knew that you will go for it. Josh will be there too he was trying to convince me and Locus too to take that directing course but it's not our thing " Rira said.

" Yeah I know I have been trying to convince you too but you don't seem into it much. But you know me I'm like being behind the camera and these stuff " I said. " It's a very good decision I'm glad that you made it baby. I'm sure you chose the right pass I always though that you would make a sexy director " Louis said while giving me a peak on the lips.

" Yeah right now bring me some water with you. I suddenly don't feel like drinking anything " I said and leo rolled his eyes but I caught him smiling.

Louis's *pov* :

It's funny what jasmine can do when someone provokes her. Leo has been provoking her and pushing her into changing without even making any effort and she isn't even noticing. Leo's opinion about her matters to her so much as she is the one that she and Rira look up too.

When Leo talked to me he told me that he will have to act with jasmine in a different way and he needs my approval and promise that I won't interfere with him. I asked him how is he going to treat her and he said that he is going to treat her just as he treat us which is drowning her with his sarcasm and till now it seems to be working I just hope he won't push her a lot.

I was getting her the water when Leo came to get another drink " nice plan it seems to be working " I said and he gave ma a strange look " who said it won't work ? I knew it will work from the beginning I just didn't want you over my head for how I treat her. My plans always work 'mate' " Leo said.

" Wow you are really full of yourself just like Jasmine said " I said while rolling my eyes and he smirked at me " wait till you see Rira she's not always full of herself like me but sometimes she is worst than me. One day you will see it because she's planning on staying I can tell 'mate' " Leo said.

" Didn't I tell you that the way you say 'mate' is annoying because really it is anyway you all could stay as much as you want it's better while you guys are around " I said and Leo laughed. " And you grammar is terrible because it sounds like you said that you guys are enjoying being with me while I'm making your lives a living hell. See someone to help you with that grammar I'm sure there is someone who could help people like you " Leo said.

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