C H A P T E R 20

379 14 1

~Blake's POV~

One more day.

Today is my last day with Theo.

Little does he know that, though.He has no idea that in the morning I will be getting on a plane and fly to Scotland. Theo is from Europe, London to be exact. I don't think it will be so bad when I tell him. I feel like it would be though if I don't tell him till tomorrow. Heck, I think it would be bad now if I tell him the day before I leave.

Now, I am totally afraid to tell him.

Today, Theo is taking me to my doctor's appointment. He thinks it is just to get my medicine which it is... sort of. It is actually me getting my medicine and transferring all of my prescriptions to a pharmacy in Scotland.

I am sitting on my couch in my apartment, waiting on Theo to come pick me up. I am putting on my converse while 'The Flash' is playing on my TV. I hear the doorbell ring and I already know who it is. I stand up and open the front door to reveal Theo standing there with a gift bag and a big smile on his face.

"For getting your dream job." He says and I laugh. He hands me the bag and I take it. I let him inside and I shut th door behind him. We walk over to my kitchen counter and I start to open the bag.I rip out all of the tissue paper and pull out a white mug that says 'BET WRITER EVER' on it.

"You've never even read my writing but thank you." I say with a bug smile on my face and I kiss him.

"Well, I don't need to read your writing to know that you're the best writer ever." I smile again and kiss him one more time before putting my mug in one of my kitchen cabinets.

As I am opening the cabinet door, I realize that my cabinets are empty because of me leaving tomorrow. My eyes widen and I just quickly put the mug in the cabinet and shut the door before he sees because the cabinet was right in front of him. I walk back over to him, trying to be casual, but I think I am failing.

"You okay?" He asks. I smile and nod.

"So, you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep." I say.

I grab my coat and we leave my apartment. W get to Theo's jeep then we drive to the doctor's office. When we get there, we get out of the car walk inside. There are not many people in the waiting room so this should go by quick.

I sign myself in and then me and Theo sit down in the waiting room. I put my head on his shoulder and he laces our fingers together. He starts tracing patterns on my hand and then we end up quietly laughing at each other.We start to thumb wrestle since the wait is taking longer than expected. We don't get through one game until my name is called.

"You don't have to go in there with me." I say. I really don't want him going in there because he will find out I'm leaving.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I smile and kiss him.

"Yes, I am sure. They are just doing a check up and prescribing my medicine. I'll be fine."

"Okay." He kisses my cheek and I smile. I stand up and follow the nurse who called my name.

~TIME SKIP (after appointment)~

"Okay, Blake, you are ready to go. One more thing, though. Do you have anyone traveling with you when you go to Scotland?" The doctor asks.

Well,I am kind of working on that. If I tell Theo and he says yes then yes but I tell Theo and he says no then no but then maybe I will just tel him bye and leave and not let him come with me.

That would be too complicated of an answer so I just say, "Not at the moment."

"Oh, okay. Well, your stress levels were really high today and your 'Schizophrenia' is centered around that so when we get those levels down, you should be good to go but they are, as of now, very high. So, with that being said, I strongly recommend you to take someone with  you to Scotland. I mean, you're moving to a different country, it will obviously be stressful." He says, putting air quotes on the word "Schizophrenia".

I nod my head. Well, if my doctor says I have to take someone then I guess I have to. I guess I will have to tell Theo.

"Okay, well now you're all set. Enjoy your trip." He says and smiles. He walks out of the room and I follow him. I walk over to Theo and he stands up.

I guess my face looks worried because the first thing he says to me, "You okay?"

"Yeah." I say and smile at him.

He smiles back and he hands me my coat. We walk out of the hospital, hand in hand. We et in the Jeep and drive off to my apartment. We just talk about random things until he brings up the appointment.

"So, how did the appointment go?" He asks.

"Good, he said my stress levels were really high and the whole point of the medicine he gave me was to bring it down. He just told me to rest."

"Oh, what are you gonna do about your new job then?"

I walked right into that one.

I think for a second before answering, "I don't really know. I mean, I expected something to happen because everything was just going by too smoothly. Like me meeting you, me getting the perfect job."

He puts his hand on top of mine and looks at me briefly, "Hey, it'll be okay. I will be there with you every step of the way." He smiles and I smile back.

Yeah, he will be but it will only be for the next twenty-four hours.

a/n: Aloha! I have been thinking about posting an original story but I don't think I'll publish it until I finish all of my fanfictions or at least finish most of them because I am an overly obsessed fangirl  and I have a lot of fanfictions. By the way, I probably won't use my @/theoonfleek account on Instagram. It is just ever since I took that break from social media, I kind of don't see the pint of it lol. BUT I do have a personal instagram called @/hallemcbeth that I have had for a bit now so if you want to follow that. I don't really post that much on that either unless I am with friends or an event is going on. I am just not that big of a fan of social media. I want to delete it all really, but Instagram won't let you delete your account anymore so what's the point lol. I think I am just giving u social media now except for when it deals with my program 'The Fearless Project' (@/thefearless.project on Instagram and I will tell you more about that later on as it develops!) and my youtube and this. I am sure that pretty soon I won't use any social media besides this and when it deals with my program. I am so sorry that I am an indecisive person and say one thing and and then don't do it next lol. 

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