C H A P T E R 17

437 16 4

~B L A K E~

David gave me the number to the firm so right now I'm going to call them and tell them my decision.

I'm nervous. This was an all of a sudden decision but for some reason I feel this is right. I've gotta follow my gut, right?

The phone rings.




"Hello, this is the Scotland Times. How may we help you?" A women says in a cheerful way.

I'm pacing my living room.

"Um, hi. This is Blake Cooper (a/n: I forgot if I gave her a name or not and I looked back and I didn't see one so this is her last name lol.) and I was calling to ask a question about the job offer?" I say.

"Oh, hello! We are so excited I have you on our team! What questions do you have?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could start sooner? I'm just so excited and I'm already ready and I'm already ready so,"

"Oh, you so can! How about next week?"

"That would be perfect!"

"Okay, we will change the flight and everything for you. We will call you if something is unavailable."

"Alright, thank you." The lady hangs up.

I have to leave as soon as possible so saying goodbye to Theo won't be so bad.


The lady called back telling me that everything is set up and that my flight leaves next Tuesday at eleven in the morning. Today is Thursday.

I don't know how I'm going to tell Theo.

I go into my bedroom and start packing up my clothes. As I am packing, I get lost in my thoughts.

I'm leaving Theo.

I'm just packing up and leaving.


What do I tell him?

I don't even know how to tell him.

I get snapped out my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing.

I walk into the kitchen and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, is this Blake Cooper?" A women says.

"Yes, this is her."

"Okay, good. Well, I'm Tasha, Doctor Wells'  assistant and your tests are back and we have the results so if you can just come on by as soon as you can, that would be great."

"Okay,well, I'll be on my way."


I walk into the Doctors Office. There is a lady sitting behind the front desk who has her black hair in a messy bun and is wearing brown scrubs. She looks like she is in her mid-twenties.

I walk up to her. "Excuse me, miss. Um, I'm here to get some test results from Doctor Wells?"

"Oh, okay,". She says, cheerfully. "So just go through the door behind me and turn right and just keep walking down the hallway and his office is the last one on the right." She says, pointing at the door.

"Okay, thank you." I say and smile.

"You're welcome." The lady goes back to working and I go to Doctor Wells' office.

I follow the directions the lady gave me and then I know on Doctor Wells' door.

"Come in!" He says through the door. I walk in.

"Oh, hello, Ms. Cooper!" He says. "Please take a seat."

I take a seat and he stands up to sit the door. He sits back down and pulls out a file.

"You're here for test results correct?" He asks.

"Yes, I am." I say.

"Okay, then." He says, smiling.

"Well, based on the tests, it looks like you have quite an imagination." We both laugh. "But, unfortunately, in this case, that isn't good."


"Blake, I'm so sorry to inform you of this but, you have schizophrenia."


"I'm sorry, what?" I say, in shock.

"Schizophrenia. You said that you have been feeling stressed a lot and that you haven't been sleeping. You said that you hear voices a lot in you apartment but no one is there. Also, you said that you sometimes see a dark figure walk by your window every night but you live on the fifth floor. We did the tests and they have concluded, along with your symptoms that you have schizophrenia."

All of a sudden, everything in me stops. Nothing feels real anymore.

Wait... What do I tell Theo? I have to tell him.

Wait... What about Scotland?

"Sir, I'm leaving to go to Scotland on Tuesday so..." I say.

"Ms. Cooper, I don't know. You just got diagnosed, you will have to find a new therapist there, and we have to give you your medicine today but you'll have to change your whole medicine company over there. I say no but it's up to you."

"Okay." I say.

"Now, let's get your medicine."

He pulls out a form and starts writing.

What just happened?

a/n: well, that was unexpected. I added this to make a little bit more plot and possibly a topic for a sequel, if I make one. I hope you all still like the story!

Chasing Shadows //Theo James//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora