C H A P T E R 18

445 14 5

a/n: I'm in language arts right now lol. #iamjustsorebellious

~B L A K E~

I text Theo.

Hey, I need to talk to you.

He replies.

You okay?

I reply.

Yep, I just need to talk. Can I meet you at your hotel room? I'm closer to it.

He replies.

Sure, I'll be here. :)

I smile. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out of the Doctors office.

I walk to my car and get in it. I turn it on and start to drive away.

Once I get to Theo's hotel, I park in the parking lot and just sit in my car. I take a deep breath and then get out of my car and walk into the building.

I walk in and ride the elevator up to the seventh floor.

I'm so nervous. (a/n: I'm not in language arts anymore I'm out of school lol.)

I walk down the hall and stop in front of his door. I take a deep breath and knock.

He answers the door and smiles when he sees me and I smile back.

Gosh, I'm gonna miss that smile.

"Hey, uh, you can come in." He says. I walk in and  we sit down on his couch.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" He asks.

I take a deep breath, "Well, about a month ago, I went to the doctor because I was so stressed out about me not doing what I had hoped to do when I got out of high school that I was just out my mind. I thought me being so stressed made me paranoid for some reason and I kept seeing a dark figure out my window but that would've been impossible because I live on the fifth floor. Then, I started hearing voices in my apartment even though no one was there. Anyway, it was going on for a while and I finally decided to go to the Doctor. They ran some tests and today they called me in to see the results. Apparently I have schizophrenia."

He looks at me with worried, sad eyes.

"How bad is it?" He asks.

"Not that bad. It's a mild case so I can be alone and not go crazy but I still have to go to a therapist and take medicine."

"I'm so sorry, Blake." He says, scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I lay my head on his chest and put my hands around his arms.

I'm gonna miss this.

I sigh, "it's okay."

"Don't worry, though. I'll be there for you." He says and kisses the top of my head and I smile.

"So what else did they say?" He asks.

"Well, they said this it was stress-induced schizophrenia so, really, it only happens when I'm really stressed. I get paranoid when I'm stressed so really I don't have true schizophrenia but they are calling it that because it's the only thing that really makes sense. That's what they said at least." I say.

"It's all gonna be okay." He says and kisses my cheek. I smile.

We sit there for a while, just talking.

As I get up and head to the door, I stop to tell him something.

"Oh, and can you meet me at my apartment on Tuesday at like nine in the morning?"

"Sure, what's going on?"

"You'll see, it's just something important. See you then." I say and kiss him and then leave.

I have to tell him at some point that I am leaving so why not wait till the day that I leave?

I know it's wrong but, I'm too scared to tell him.

I wanna keep him as long as I can.

a/n: well... I hope you all still like this story. Just to be clear, Blake does NOT have real schizophrenia, she just gets paranoid and the doctors are just putting her in the schizophrenia category. Sorry if that was confusing. I hope you like the plot twist lol but it's the only thing that really made sense for the ending I have planned. PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOY THINK ABOUT THE CHANGE. I feel like I messed up the story lol.

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