C H A P T E R 14

447 17 0

~B L A K E~

It's been two days since I got the job. David (a/n: I forgot if I gave her boss a name before, I looked back and couldn't find one so this is his name now lol), my boss, told me that I have two weeks to decide if I want the job or not.

Me and Theo are going to the mall, just to hang out today.

I don't want to tell Theo that the job is in Scotland but I do want to tell him about the job.


We are walking around the mall, going in and out of stores. I don't think I have really made eye contact with Theo since we got here. We have barely talked.

~T H E O~

Blake doesn't sound like herself today. She is not looking at me, talking to me, paying attention to her surroundings. She looks like she is thinking hard about something.

~B L A K E~

I can't focus.

I really want this job but what about Theo? I really don't want to leave him.

I mean, I know at some point Theo will have to leave me for a bit to pursue a new movie but this is different.

He would only be gone for a few months, I would be living there.

The past couple months have been amazing, he has been the thing that gets through a rough day.

When I'm sad and I see him smile, I get chill bumps and can't help but smile too. When his British accent gets thick sometimes, I can't help but smile. When he says really cheesy jokes, I can't help but laugh and smile.

He makes me smile.

I can't leave that.

But, maybe there are more things that can make me smile. In Scotland.

If I leave, I can explore a new country. I can have my dream come true. I could actually have a life.

"You okay?" Theo asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look at him and actually give him eye contact. We have stopped walking.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. He smiles at me and grabs my hand. We continue walking around.


I am in my apartment, laying on my couch. I'm watching Netflix.

I shed a tear thinking about how me and Theo do this sometimes.

We can't do it anymore if I leave.

a/n: sorry for the short update but I just really wanted to update lol.

Chasing Shadows //Theo James//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora