C H A P T E R 5

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~T H E O~

Tonight was amazing! We basically cuddled! Her hair was soft and as thin as feathers. Her warmth against my chest felt like fire.

She wants to go on a coffee date! Yes! I am so excited!

~B L A K E~

I am laying in bed right now, just staring up at the ceiling. My smile will not fade.


It's 12:30, Theo should be here any minute now. I finsih putting some more books away and walk over to the cash register to see how much we have made so far.

I hear the bell that rings when a customer walks intot he store and I look up and see Theo walking into the store. We smile at each other.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, just let me finish this." I say and bite the cap off of a permenant marker and keep the cap dangling out of my mouth since my other hand is putting numbers into a calculator. Theo walks over to the cash register and puts his elbows on the table. "He is looking at what I am doing. I move my elbow over so I can scoot my notepad closer to me. Theo's eyes widen.

"You seem pretty determined at your job." Theo says and we both laugh. I caculate the rest of the numbers and then I put the cap back on the marker then grab my coat off the chai behind me.

"Let's go." I say and we smile at each other. As we are exiting the store, Theo puts his hand in his coat pocket and basically asks for me to link arms. I smile and he's smirking. I put my arm through his and we walk to Starbucks.

While we are walking, I feel Theo's glances. When we get to Starbucks, Theo holds the door open for me. He is such a gentlemen. We order and sit down.

"So, how has your day been so far?" I ask, starting conversation.

"Well, it's been pretty hectic but being her with you makes it great." He says. I smile and blush.

"Do you have to go back to work?" I ask.

"No, my stand-in is filling in for me." He says.

"Oh, cool." I say and he nods his head.

"So, how has your day been so far?" He asks and smiles.

"Same as ususal. Boring but fun." I say.

We continue small talk until I see that it's 1:30. I sigh.

"Well, I better get back to work. Wanna walk me?" I ask him and smirk and smirks back. We both stand up and we link arms again. We both throw away our drinks on our way out. On our way back to the store, Theo asks me a question.

"How much do you work here?" He asks.

"A lot." I say. "I am only supposed to work three hours a day but I have nothing better to do so why not make a day out of it." I say and smile at him.

"Come on, you gotta have something your passionate about."

"I do, and that's books."

"Yeah but do ever think that maybe you could do many more things with that passion for books?" He just made me realize something. Maybe I should work less hours. I do have something that I ahve always wanted to be but I never told anyone about it. Which theo only reason I never told anyone was because I had no one. Well, Mark knows because the job he is applying me for is a journalism job. Maybe I should tell Theo.

"I have always wanted to be a writer." I say, not making eye contact with him. He looks down at me since he is taller than me and smiles.

"No way." He says.

"Yep." I say, popping the 'p'. "When I was fourteen, I discovered writing." We stop walking and are standing if ront of the door to the store. We are facing each other.

"Why did you like it so much?" He asks. I liekd it so much because it was like a prtal. A portal to a whole different world, a whole different universe. It was a portal to a better life. I can't tell him all of these things, it will proabably run him off.

"It," I pause for a second. "Got me through some things." I say. Theo nods his head. There is sort of an awkward scilence for a little bit. I sigh.

"Well, I better get back to work." I say. "I'll text you later." We smile at each other.

"Okay, see you later." He says. We both smile at each other again and then he turns around and walks away. I stand there for a few seconds, looking at him. I smile to myself. I open the door and get back to work.


a/n: you need to listen to Let Me In by Grouplove. IT GOES SO WELL WITH THIS SCENE!

~T H E O~

It's 10:00 at night and I am laying in bed and I can not go to sleep. I can not get Blake off of my mind. I can not get the image out of my head. Her long, brown hair and her big brown eyes are engrained in my mind. Her boice, the way she talks so smoothly. The way she loves books. They way she has cute remarks. I have to make her mine. I ahve to make her my girlfriend. My girlfriend.

But I can not wait till morning. I have to do it now.

I get out of bed and channge out of my pajamas (which is just pajama pants and a tee shirt) and put on a pair of balck skinny jeans and a plaid button up. I put on my all black high top converse and grab my keys. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. I stop as I am walking down the hallway when a thought occurs to me. She is proabaly asleep.

I don't care. I am going to do this. I am determined. I start walking again and leave the hotel and get in my car. I drive to Blake's apartment building.

When I get there, I get out of my car and run inside the apartment building and get on the elevator. I click the floor then the doors close and I wait impatiently.

When the doors open, I run out of the elevator and run down the hallway as fast as I can.

I stand in front of her door.

I take a deep breath and knock.

~B L A K E~

I hear a knock on my door and I wake up. I look at m clock on my nightstand and it is 11:00 at night. Who would be at my door this late at night? I get out of bed and walk out of my rooma nd walk intot he living room. I open th front door and I see Theo standing there. I have a confused look on my face.

"Theo, what are yo-" I get cut off by Theo putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me hard.

a/n: remember, I will be updating twice today so the next chapter will be posted today. Now, let me just say one more thing... BOOM! THEY KISSED.

Chasing Shadows //Theo James//Where stories live. Discover now