Chapter Six (Getting Derick Out of Jail\School)

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I heard my clock alarm go off I groaned and fell off the bed somebody laughed I looked at the person and it was Scott.

"How the hell did you get in here," I said

"Your sister let me in, and are you coming with me and Stiles to see Derick get arrested," He said I shot up "WHAT THE HELL SCOTT !!," I yelled I went to my closet and changed into a pink spike sports bra that said badass and a pink biker jacket that said boss and I put on my pink shorts and heels I took my hair down I ran down stairs where Scott was Harley rode with Scott I zoomed to the Hale house.

My bike roared as I stopped at the Hale house everybody eye's were on me I took my helmet off my face was heated up I saw sheriff so I went to say I went to him " Hi Sheriff Stilinski,"I said he looked at me "Scarlett nice to see you again how is your mom," He said I faked a smile "She's great she went on a business trip to Portland," I said and looked over to Derick I mouthed 'Sorry' he just smirked I looked back at Sheriff and said "Uh do mind if I just talk to the guy for second," I said he nodded I jogged to Scott and Stiles "I'm going to kill you idiots," I growled then left for Derick I approached him he laughed "Nice bra and Jacket," He laughed I laughed "I get it all the time, I promise I'll get you out," I said he nodded they put him on the car it was kinda hurt to see them do that I then sat in the car with Harley she was smiling "What," I asked her she kept smiling and finally answered me "I saw you talking to Derick, why won't you just ask him already," She said before I could say anything stiles Sat on me I yelped "Stiles get your nasty ass off ME," I yelled I pushed him off me he stumbled. He went over to derick and something so stupid so I went over there "Stiles please shut up your like a little girl crying for milk," I said Derick kinda laughed at my comment "Why are you so caring about me when your friends are in trouble, you should be more worried about Scott you two have to watch him, promise Scar," He said I smiled and walked away I went up to Scott and Stiles and smacked them hard Harley started laughing "Next time you do something so stupid, it want be a smack instead it'll be claws and fist got it dumbasses," I whispered then they left with Derick I hopped my bike and made my way too the station.


I pulled up to the Station I tour part of my shirt down the increase and took my helmet I put my glasses on and ruffled up my hair like a slut I pushed up my boobs and went inside. All eyes was on me a smirk appeared on my face I could see the man on the front desk getting nervous I walked up to him and placed my hands on the desk.

"H-how can I help you,"He said

" I'm looking for my friend sheriff,"I said taking his keys secretly "H-he isn't here right n-now," He said I giggled "Well do you mind if I wait outside his office,"I said he pointed over instead of walking there I walked to the jail cells man were looking at me I put out the middle finger then I saw Derick I walked over to him he was on a bench laying down I dangled the key he looked over and came to the bars " What are you doing here,"He asked I slapped my head "What do think I'm doing here," I said he smirked "Really Scar you don't need to do this, I am dangerous to be around," He said "I know that and that's exactly where I get from so shush your mouth so I can get you," I said "No I won't let you," He said "Impressive I'm leaving now," I said then I walked away I saw Sheriff so I walked up to him he looked at me "Scarlett what are you are you here," He said before I could say anything a deputy came in "Sheriff, the Autopsy report for Laura Hale have, we can't find no human DNA," He said "So Derick Hale didn't murder his sister, Poor Kid I'm going to release him," He said I smiled "Oh, Sheriff are you going to the Game tonight,," I asked "Yea, you need a ride," He asked "No, see you later I have to go get ready for it cause I'm apart of the game," I said "Forgot," He said I nodded then walked out I hopped on my bike and drove off too the School.

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