Chapter Four (A bad Day For Scotty)

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I was on the bench waiting for coach to call me then I saw Allison on the bleachers so I ran to her "Hey you came to see Scott play," I said "Yes he apologized and I have him a second chance," She said "That's great," I said we talked a little after that I looked over to see a worried Scott I could smell it so I decided to text Stiles.

Me:Stiles what's wrong.

Stiles: Scott.

That's all he texted I to Scott and he was getting angry with Jackson I got off the bleachers and I was about to go over there but a pair of rough hands stopped me I turned around to see the one and only Derick Hale.

"Are you like fucking stalking me right now," I said looking at him crazy "No, but just go into the locker room Scott's transforming be careful," He said I smiled and patted Derick on the cheek it was really hard and nice so I kept doing if Derick looked down at my hand I kept my hand there until I passed him and rushed to the locker room.

I walked in and saw Stiles holding a fire extinguisher "What is this shit," I laughed Stiles gave me that 'Shut the fuck up' look "Scott was getting to violent in Lacrosse so I had to use this," He said "Dumbass," I said "Well boys I'm going somewhere so see two dumbasses later," I said I left and changed into a ripped long sleeved crop top with some pink jeans and combat boots I put my hair up in a messy bun then went see Derick.

I got to there and looked around "D.E.R.I.C.K where an the are you," I yelled "What," He said out of nowhere I jumped "What the Fu, you can't just do that, do you know how freaking scared I was literally I was scared as shit balls,"I said "oh, I'm sorry," He said, did the hot big bad wolf Derick just apologize I laughed a little, "What so funny," He asked "You silly, like did you really just apologize to me that was so sweet," I said he gave me a glare I started laughing again I walked around "So what brings you here," He said I looked at him "I just wanted to see what you were doing that's it," I said then my phone rung I looked at it and Scott was calling me I groaned and stumped my foot and answered it "What the hell dude I'm trying to live my life here Scott," I whined "What ever just meet me at my house," He said "Okay this time when I come I'm going to separate your shoulder like you did Jackson," I said then hung up Derick looked at me I shrugged "I'm coming with," Derick said I nodded then ran to my bike Derick hopped in his car and we drove away I popped a wheelie I could hear him laugh I smiled and we raced to Scott house .

I was the first one to get there Derick was behind me got off my bike, Derick quietly got out. We quietly went up stairs Derick opened Scott door quietly we snuck up on Scott.

"There someone behind you Scott," Stiles said

Scott snapped his head around and Derick pushed him against the wall "Me and Scar saw what you did on the field," Derick said Scott looked confused "Do what," He asked "You shifted in front of them!, if they find out what you are, they find out about me and Scarlett, and if they find about us they won't just come after us, they'll go after everyone else," He said "They didn't see anything thing I swear!," Scott said "And they won't because if you go to the game on Saturday, I will kill you," He said I like it when he is mad he looks sexy he then hopped out the window I looked at Scott "Well that went well Scotty," I laughed he gave me a death glare so I just left I hopped on my bike and drove to my house.

I drove to my house and hopped in bed I was thinking about Derick how he was so cute and how his eyes captured mine every time we looked at each other so I called Derick.

"Hello," His deep voice "Hey Der they was quite the show you pulled off, so how you feeling," I asked he chuckled "Great, and thanks, what you doing," He asked I blushed and smiled as I took off my shirt and pants "Actually changing for bed, what you doing," I asked I could tell he was excited "In the bed,"He said " Sorry if I disturbed you,"I said laying down on the bed wrote in my diary "No you didn't disturb me you just kept me from being bored," He said I chuckled at his comment "So Derick I was thinking about skipping forth period and hang out with you if you don't have nothing to do tomorrow," I said blushing "Yea when ever you can get the time, goodnight Scar have sweet dreams," He said I chuckled at his cheesy comment "You too Der have lots of lucky adorable dreams about me,"I joked he laughed " I will Scar, I will,"He laughed "Bye Der," I said "Bye Scar," He said then hung up I sat my phone down and dreamed about Derick.




I took a shower and dyed my hair dark brown and put red high lights in my hair I looked awesome I put on my leather skinny jeans on with a ruffled shirt crop top, silk black heels I put my black eye shadow on with dark purple lip stick, I curled my hair and got everything I needed and went down stairs I grabbed me pack of chips and water Harley was wearing my black jacket and and my grey leggings, with my black boots she picked up her bag and went towards the door.

"Are those my clothes!," I said

"Yea they look great on me," She said

"Oh, my best friend Alexis is going to pick me and she wanted me to spend the night so I want be home until tomorrow Scar," She said

"Alright Har," I said she left I got my helmet and keys, and glasses and headed to school.


It was the end of second period when Scott text me saying meet him in front of coach office so once the bell rang I jolted up and ran to coach office. When I got there I could smell his nervousness I walked to him.

"What are so nervous about, that you shit your pants or something," I laughed Scott looked at me like I was crazy "No it's not that, I'm nervous because how am I going to tell coach that I can't play on Saturday," He said I laughed "Scotty just say I can't play on Saturday easy as that," I said I opened the door to coach office me and Scott sat down.

"What is it Mcall and Briar," He said I looked at Scott he cleared his throat "Uh Coach I can't play on Saturday," Scott said Coach face fell "Scott did you just say You CAN'T Wait to play on Saturday," Coach said "No Coach he said He Can't play on Saturday," I corrected him he looked at me "Shut if Briar," He said okay I laughed "Scott is drug problems cause if it is I can help with it,"Coach said " No not that isn't why I'm not playing, "He said " Is girl problems, "He said " Yes, and No,"Scott said "Then what is it boy problems cause you know I can get you with Danny his totally a good guy," He said I bust into laughter "No coach I'm not gay, it's just home problems," He said I stopped laughing and got "Well bye coach," We said we left we went to my locker I was getting my stuff ready and Scott and Stiles were talking so I decided to hear what they was talking about.

"Unbelievable my dad looking for the animal, where's the damn Killer hangout and, do whatever he wants,"He said frantically " You can't just tell your dad about Derick,"He said "I can do something...," He said "Like what," He said "Find the other half of the body," He said is he crazy I went over there "Are you shitting me," I said they looked at me "Was you listening to are whole conversation," Scott asked "A little bit but I have to go I promised a friend I'll come over so bye," I said they looked curious I didn't have time I jumped on my bike and speeded off to Dericks.

I hopped off the bike and went inside "Der where are you I'M LIKE SO BORED," I said I heard foot steps behind me so I turned around and smiled .

"Do you always have sneak up on somebody like you could at least tried to attack me from the front and it still sounds work," I laughed he looked at me like I was stupid "So exactly tell me why you want to hang out," He said before I could I smelt Scott sent I groaned "DERICK, DERICK," He yelled does he always have to ruin the moment Derick and I went out side I saw Scott and Stiles I groaned "What the fuck do you want, your really starting to get on my nerves like really bad," I said he looked at me "What are you doing here, I thought you were visiting your friend," I he said I laughed "Derick is is my friend dumbass, and why do you care," I said I rolled my eyes and Derick did too "Derick stay away from her, she doesn't know anything,"He said I got mad I growled at him " Listen you little twerp I can handle myself, I killed my dad, and I sure as hell can kill you got it Scotty we are just looking out for you,"I growled he was surprised at my input "Oh shut up," He said I took out my claws ready to fight if he didn't shut up "Say it again and I'll chew your head off like my dad's," I growled "Think about it Scott your on the field and Aggression and madness then boom you SHIFT, in front everyone, your mom and all your friends," Derick said then I broke Scott Lacrosse stick "And everything falls apart!," I said giving him his hockey stick "Whatever I'm going home,"He said " Good I'm going to visit someone,"I said I said bye to Derick and hopped on my bike to see Isaac.

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