Chapter One (First Day To School)

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I got ready for school, I put on my black jegging's with high heel boots, a tight grey crop top, once I was done I got my back pack and went down stairs.

My sister and my mom was eating breakfast my mother threw me a Gatorade and granola bar, Harley got up and we left I got on my bike she got on the back of me and I drove to school.


I got off my bike and Harley did too we said are good byes and went are separate ways, I heard the bell ring I was late so I ran to the class room and everybody turned my way I did a awkward smile.

"Well class this is are old student Scarlett Briar, everyone how nice to see her again , now take our your reading books," She said

I took my seat and pulled out my reading book "Alright class turn to page 197 and read it once your down tell me what the answer is,"She said

I turned to page and read the riddle which I love what comes from the dark, and can be seen from daylight, I thought for a minute then I shot my hand up .

" Mr Mcall,"She called on me

"Huh," I said

"A shadow," I blurted

"Thank you Miss Briar," She said

He mouth thank you I put my thumb up and turned back to the teacher "Okay class I'll read page 198 threw 200. The one inside you will be good, but the out side is dark, from the time being to the moment you die you'll see fright inside, hope for the best but prepare for the worst, if you see me in the shadows and breath me in you'll see what you are, time and time you do good but when you stop you see the monster inside you-," She got cut off by the bell.

"Well that's it for today class have a great afternoon," She said

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, I got to my locker and saw the coach so I went up to him.

"Coach," I said

"Who are you," He said

"I'm a old

ew student I was hoping to try out for the lacrosse team," I said

"What's your name kid," He asked

"Scarlett Briar," I said

"Well Scarlett I don't put little girls on my team," He said

"But Coach I really know how to play I've been playing since I was six," I said

"Fine meet me on the field after second period," He said

"Thanks coach," I cheered

I went to second period I saw Scott looking at me he was sitting next to a girl I guess it's his girlfriend I sat down in the front of the class a man came in and sat down.

"Hello class as you all know we have a  student her name Scarlett Briar everybody say hi," He said

"Hi," They all said

"Scarlett my name is Mr Harris, and today we are goi-," I zoned out of Mr Harris I started drawing until class was over he gave us homework I made my way to the girls locker room and changed into a tank top and shorts, I made my way to the field.

I got there and the lacrosse team was on the field doing warm ups I went to coach every eye caught my butt I smiled "Scarlett you showed up, well meet the team and get your gear on so we can see what your made off," Coach said

I got gear on and got the stick and got in line, after Jackson it was me the goalie was read I smiled I did a stunt and made the shot every body was surprised.

"Briar you made the team," Coach yelled

I took off my gear in the locker room I took a shower and got dress and went to lunch.

I sat next to Scott and his friends they all looked at me "Hey Scarlett," Scott said

"Hi Scott," I said

"Scarlett this is my best friend Lydia and Allison she's new ," He said

"Oh well Hi everyone," I said

"I like your shirt where you get it," Lydia said

"Forever 21," I said

"I like here already," Lydia said

Then Jackson came up to Lydia and kissed her wait their going out, wow never thought she would go for a jerk.

"Hey Jackson,"Scott said

" Hey Scott how it feel to be loser like always,"he said

"Actually Scott shot fifteen time's with out getting hit," I helped Scott he then he left. It was the end of the day so I went to Scott and Stiles they were about to leave so I rushed to them.

"Hey Scott and Stiles, where you going," I said

"Into the woods to find Scott inhaler,"Stiles said

" Can I come I don't have nothing else to do, "I said

" Sure,"Scott said

"Okay wait there one sec," I said

I ran to Harley "Harley you can drive the bike cause I'm going on an adventure with Scott and Stiles," I said

"But I don't have a driver license," She said

"So what," I said and threw her the keys

I ran to Scott and Stiles I hopped in the car and we left.


We walked threw the woods "It was right here this is the last place I had it before I got bit," It slipped from his mouth I looked at Scott "Are you a Beta," I said

"Yea I kinda got bit last night," He said

"C'mon we still have to find it," Stiles said I then looked up to see this very hot guy in a black leather Jacket with a grey shirt "Guy's look up."

"What are you doing here? This is private property,"He said

" Um, sorry we were just looking for my friend inhalers,"I said he reached for his pocket I growled they looked at me he then throw the inhaler to Scott fast and walked away I caught it "How did you throw that so fast, was that some reflex," Scott asked I shrugged .

"No that was probably the Adrenaline rush. And that was Derick Hale," Stiles said

"Who," Scott and I said at the same time Stiles slapped his head "His family died in a fire something six years ago and there was only three survivers including Derick Hale," He said after that we dropped Scott off at his Job and Stiles drove me home.


I walked in the house and my mom and dad was on the couch with my sister "Hey Mom, hey Dad, hey Har,"I said they waved so I went to my room. I closed my door and went in the shower. I put on a tank and looked in the mirror I put my hair in a messy bun I looked down and went to bed.

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