Chapter 23

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Half an hour later a helicopter arrived and checked over everyone and then took them home. They all knew it was too late for Tom and Squid. They knew they were dead. Everyone was quiet on the way home. When they arrived back in the UK they were all immediately rushed to hospital to be treated. Tom and Squid were put in a separate room to everyone else on another floor. When everyone was checked over, Nicole, Michael, Snake, Martyn and Rosie showed up at the hospital.
"Guys your ok" Rosie said. They were all quiet
"Where are Squid and Tom?" Nicole asked
"Um, you guys might want to sit down for this" James said.
The 5 of them sat down.
"So, where are they?" Martyn asked
"Um, on the island we went to, it was similar to Minecraft and well it wasn't as amazing as we thought" Lee started
"It started off fine until someone started kidnapping us" Amy said
"And you guys know how Herobrine is the devil of Minecraft?" Stampy asked.
The others nodded
"Well, he was the one kidnapping us" Netty said.
Their friends were shocked.
"Yeah and so today we fought against Herobrine and..." Ash started but then started crying really hard
"What, what happened?" Michael asked
"Herobrine turned Squid evil and he attacked us and killed Tom by shooting him" Finnball said crying
"What!" Snake shouted
"And then when Squid turned back to normal he fought Herobrine but when he killed Herobrine, Herobrine stabbed Squid and killed him as well" Dan cried.
"No, not Squid, no" Nicole cried.
"We're sorry, we tried to save them but we couldn't" Sqaishey sighed. The room was full of sadness with everyone crying. They had all lost two really good friends that were important in their lives. Nicole had lost her boyfriend and Stampy and Ash had lost their best friend as well as Finnball and Netty. It was a really sad day.

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