Chapter 1

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It had been three months since Ash, Squid, Stampy, Tom and Finnball had gone on X-Factor. Squid was at his house with Michael Corbin, his friend he had made at X-Factor who was once his enemy and they were playing video games on the X-Box 1. Tom was out for the weekend at MineVention and left the house for Squid to look after but instead of a nice clean house it was a right mess. Squid had  invited Michael over and they had been staying up late all weekend.
"No! How did you kill me!" Michael shouted
"I am just a great gamer" Squid stated laughing
"Well anyway it doesn't matter, I gotta head home in a hour" Michael said "and also, we might wanna clean up the house because isn't your brother coming home in 30mins"
"Oh god, come on let's clean this house up, or I will see my last days" Squid said alarmed tossing the controller and running round the place picking up rubbish. Michael had never seen Squid move so fast and helped him.

Just as they heard a car pull up they got rid of the last piece of rubbish downstairs and quickly leapt over the top of the couch and continued playing COD.
"Squid I'm home!" Tom called
"Hi Tom, I'm in the lounge room with Michael!" Squid replied "how was your weekend?"
"It was really good actually, there were loads of fans there"
"Ok well, Michael is heading home in half an hour so yeah we are just gonna continue playing the Xbox"
"Ok well I am going to head upstairs and have a rest since I am exhausted" Tom said going up the stairs.
"Ok, we will keep it down" Squid said and then went back to playing the game.

30mins later Michael left and Squid started watching TV. Squid started to nod off until a newsflash came in that caught his attention. 'There has been a new discovery of an island in the Celtic Sea near the UK. Explorers have gone there and have never returned and we have received a message from someone who disagrees to tell us his name, here is what the message said. I am your worst nightmare, I am the devil, for those of you who come to my island shall vanish, most people know of me through a game called Minecraft and have never seen me before but have only heard myths. This island is prepared for comers like you, if you try to get me I will send creepers, spiders, skeletons, zombies and lots more to stop you from fighting me. That was the message from the mystery person and this all for today's newsflash.
"Woah, I gotta go check this out". Squid then got on his computer searched up the island and a picture of an island with a skull on it appeared. Squid then stayed up all night studying this island and prepared to go to the island with some other people. Squid fell asleep at the desk and was woken up by his brother the next morning.
"What were you doing last night, I have never seen you study like this ever since, well never?" Tom asked
"Oh I just saw this thing on the TV last night and said there was a new island discovered that is similar to Minecraft and I really want to go and investigate it" Squid explained
"What by yourself, no way am I letting you go there, mum would kill me, even though we don't live with her, your her youngest son so she would kill me if anything happened to you!"
"Oh come on Tom, I wasn't thinking ongoing by myself, I was going to bring you and some others along"
"Wait what?"
"Please Tom can you do it for me, come on it would be an adventure and the others would want to go too"
"I'll think about it and you will ask them"
"Yes thank you Tom, your the best" Squid said hugging his brother
"Ok ok I didn't say anything about I will but I might so don't get your hopes up"
"Well I'll make you go" Squid said emailing his friends.

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