Chapter 18

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The next day Stampy woke up before anyone else and when he woke up he got the shock of his life.
"NETTY!!! Netty where are you!" Stampy yelled making everyone jump.
Dan even woke up and knocked his head on a branch above. Stampy was running round the place searching for his sister and then he fell onto his knees and started crying. His tears coming out of his eyes like a waterfall. Squid ran over to his best friend to comfort him.
"Stampy, calm down, we'll find her, we know who took her and we are heading that way already so you'll see her before you know it" Squid said
"Ok but I still hate how Herobrine took her"
"I know, just calm down for now and take your anger out on Herobrine"
Stampy nodded. Tom was in his own world of shock, his best friend had been taken.
"Earth to Tom" James said waving his hands in front of Tom's face.
Tom then got out of his trance and a tear rolled down his face.
"Sorry James it's just Netty's now gone" Tom cried
"I know buddy but we need to stay strong, Netty wouldn't want to see you like this"
Tom then wiped his face and nodded in agreement.
"Come on guys, let's go get them back" Amy said breaking the sadness in the air.

At the mountain:
Netty woke up and found herself in a cage and was surrounded by Ash, Lee and Sqaishey.
"Netty your awake, we thought you were dead" Ash said hugging Netty and earning an elbow to his rib cage by Sqaishey "Ow, what was that for?" Ash asked making the girls giggle and Lee roll his eyes.
"You just got hit by a girl" Lee stated.
"Yeah yeah what ever".

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