Chapter 21

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Herobrine was tying Tom to a pole in an abandoned room that wasn't used.
"Now you sit here and yell when you hear them coming or else" Herobrine warned as he hid behind the door.
Finnball and Squid turned down another corridor and saw a door at the end of it with a light coming from it. Tom heard them coming and Herobrine gave him the look and he yelled out for them.
"Squid, Finnball! Help!" Tom yelled.
Squid heard his brother's cries for help
"Tom! I'm coming!" Squid yelled as he ran into the room.
"Squid stop its a trap" Tom said as they entered the room.
Squid and Finnball turned around and were knocked out. They fell to the ground unconscious.

1 hour later.
Squid woke up in a dark room. He tried to move his hands and feet but couldn't. His hands were tied up by what felt like chains above his head but separate and his feet were tied together also by what felt like chains and he was held up in the air. He wondered where he was when the lights switched on and he saw Stampy in the same position as he was and a cage in the back of the room where he could see his friends and his brother!
"Squid, your awake" Stampy said as he looked up
"Yeah I am and where are we?" Squid asked
"In Herobrine's lair remember, you and Finnball were dragged in here knocked out and Tom started to get really angry at Herobrine but the others held him back and I have been like this for the past hour or so"
"What is tied around our wrists and ankles? They feel like chains" Squid asked trying to move
"They're lasers, Herobrine made a contraption of some sort and what's holding us by our wrists and ankles is metal they are connected to lasers"
"How do we get out of here?"
"Oh don't even bother trying to plan an escape, and BallisticSquid is finally awake, welcome to your worst nightmare" Herobrine said switching on all of the lights revealing himself from the darkness.
"What do you want Herobrine?" Squid spat
"Oh, what I want is my revenge on both of you for killing my son!" Herobrine yelled
"Wait, Hit The Target was your son" Stampy said alarmed
"Yes, indeed he was, did you ever wonder where he got his power from" Herobrine said and zapped Squid who yelled in pain alerting the others who were in the back of the room in a cage.
Squid hung there like a rag doll and looked up slowly.
"Now your torture has only just begun for both of you" Herobrine said as he punched Squid in the face which caused Squid's lip to split and Squid spat out blood as a bruise started to form on his face.
"Don't hurt him!" Stampy yelled
"Oh shut up Stampy!" Herobrine screamed and zapped Stampy as well. The others looked on wanting to help, but how?Tom started to be filled with rage as he tried to open the cage door. Watching his brother get hurt is what Tom hated seeing. It reminded him of when Squid was bullied in primary school and that is what made Squid a bully in high school but Tom would always protect him, no matter what but being behind bars not able to do his duty hurt Tom heaps. Herobrine was still zapping Squid and Stampy who felt really weak and kept punching them as well.
"Now since BallisticSquid killed my son he must pay double time" Herobrine said as he went over to a machine and turned it on.
"What is that?" Squid asked
"It's what I call the emotional transformer" Herobrine said as he pointed the laser head at Squid which aimed straight for his heart.
Tom almost had the door open now. Herobrine powered up the machine. Squid was petrified and Stampy started yelling. Tom was nearly there with the door. Herobrine then flicked a switch just as Tom had opened the cage door and the laser hit Squid in the area of his heart and he screamed in pain.
"Squid!" Everyone yelled as they saw the flash of light.
Tom went over to Herobrine and pushed him to the ground and turned off the machine but was then stuck to the ground by Herobrine. He couldn't move his feet.
"Behold the new iBallisticSquid!" Herobrine declared as Squid stepped out of the smoke with flaming red eyes. From what everyone could tell was that it wasn't Squid, it wasn't the one they knew. He was gone.

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