Chapter 6

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2 hours later it started to become dark and Squid had just started up the fire.
"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Sqaishey asked
"Let's just play it day by day and see what comes up" Squid said.
The others nodded in agreement. Just then they heard the sound of mobs coming towards the beach.
"Oh no, seriously mobs already" Dan said
"Well, come on, let's not just stand here, let's fight them off so we can have a peaceful sleep" Finnball said swinging his sword at a zombie that almost hit him.
The others joined in on the fight and soon enough they had defeated the mobs.
"Well, that was easier than expected" Amy stated "yeah, it was, now let's go to sleep" James said as he got into his sleeping bag as did everyone else and soon enough they were all sound asleep.
Deep in the centre of the island, someone was not very pleased. The voice as they know him by for now had seen the new arrivals.
"Don't mortals ever listen to my warnings? Oh well, it gives me pleasure to see them get what they deserve from me and these new comers will soon be finding out their doom, they will all regret killing my son especially two of them" the voice said to its self.

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