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Two days later after returning from the island, Tom and Squid were waiting for Nicole to come and pick them up.
"How long is she going to take" Tom asked looking up from his phone
"I don't know but do you fancy having a little fun?" Squid asked mischievously
"Well it is boring in here so why not"
"Ok grab my hand then" Squid said and Tom grabbed Squid's hand.
The world blurred before their eyes as their hospital room disappeared and they were now outside Stampy's house. "What are we doing here?"
"Causing mischief" Squid said as he grabbed a rock and threw it up to Stampy's bedroom window where it went into the room and they heard someone yell from inside.
Just before Stampy came to poke his head out the window Squid grabbed Tom's hand and they both became invisible. Squid was trying not to laugh whilst Tom was giving him a very annoyed look. Squid then texted Stampy. 'Hi Stamps' 'hey Squid, are you home yet?' Stampy texted back 'look outside your window' Squid texted and let go of Tom and they became visible.
Stampy looked outside his window to see Tom and Squid waving and ran downstairs to meet them.
"What are you doing here?" Stampy asked
"Causing mischief whilst waiting for Nicole to pick us up"
"I didn't agree to this, Squid brought me along" Tom added.
"Squid you and Tom should head back to the hospital it is almost 11:00 am" Stampy said.
"Oh shoot, come on Tom grab my hand again" Squid ordered.
Stampy looked confused but when the boys disappeared he understood, it was Squid's powers teleporting them.

Thanks for reading, next book will be out very shortly and it is called 'Evil Arises' and it is the last in the series. Also sorry, I don't really like killing off characters.

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