Chapter TwentyTwo- Gruvia

Start from the beginning

Levy even had time to curl my hair before they came in with my outfit. A slightly shimmery dress. The top was light blue and as it darkens dark blue. Thankfully the chose dark blue flats.

I changed then Levy handed me a light blue bracelet. And a silvery necklace. And then put my hair in a pony tail.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I actually thought I looked beautiful. For the first time in my life.

"Thank you. So so much. Gray us gonna love it." I hugged them each tightly. It was 5:45 they should be leaving soon, but I didn't want to tell them that.

Erza looked at her watch and pulled Lucy's arm.

"We need to leave. It's 5:46. We don't know when Gray is gonna arrive." Erza said. Everyone gave me one last hugged then left. I locked just incase of something bad. I walked to the bathroom. I put on perfume and deodorant. I took a deep breath and sat on the floor next to the door. 

I looked at my watch and it was six o'clock. I started slowly worrying that this as gonna be the end of it. I stood up and went to the kitchen. And started unloading the dishwasher. 

It took me ten minutes to unload. And I sat on the couch and stared at the wall. There was absolutely no sound in the apartment except for the low hum of the refrigerator.

Twenty more minutes have passed. I looked to my watch again. 6:30. Maybe something came up. I took off the necklace and bracelet and put them on the table next to the couch.

I went to my room and changed into pajama. "Juvia's not leaving the house," I said to myself.

I turned my phone on vibrate. And text Lucy 'He never showed up. It's been thirty minutes.'

I decided that even if he does show up, that I'm not gonna open the door that I'm just gonna stay quiet. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. And just listened to the sound of the refrigerator. Eventually, the sound faded and I fell asleep.

*an hour later*

I woke up to the sound of the door bell and knocking on the front door. It's like eight o'clock at night. 'Who could it be?' I thought. 'Oh it's probably Gray. Oh well.'

I'm not gonna open the door but I look out the little peep hole anyways. It, indeed, was Gray. He looked mad.

He banged on the door with his fist, causing me to jump back. But good thing it didn't scared me enough to make me yelp.

Gray kept banging on the door for a mother minute or so. Then it went quiet. I grabbed my phone and went to the guest bedroom. Which was on the other side of the apartment.

I could hear Gray shoot the handle with his ice power. I ran into the closet of the guest bedroom. Which weirdly the handle had a lock.

Then there was a loud bang. Then the sound of the handle falling to the floor. I texted Erza real fast 'Help. Gray is breaking into the house. He's mad for some reason. I'm in the guest bedroom closet. Please hurry.'

Instantly got an 'on my way' text from her.

I was shaking. 'What could he possibly want?' I thought. And tried to think of what I could have done. I heard from come down the hall. He went to my bedroom. I could hear him throwing things around, he's looking for me.

Then I heard running, Erza, hopefully.  "Gray! What are you doing!?" she yelled. Erza was finally here.

I came out of the closet and kind of him behind Erza. Gray was angry. And drunk. 'Why is he drunk? He never drinks that much.' I must have done something.

"There she is. I was looking for you." Gray said staring me down with his head slightly tilted.

"Gray. We are over! Juvia doesn't want to be with someone that will harm her!" I said. But after I said that, he charged at us.

We ran for the door. Down the stairs. And then the police arrived. A neighbor had called. Good. I wanted to but was scared he would hear me.

Once Gray saw the police coming at him. He gave up. He got arrested for breaking in, braking things, and/or trying to kill me.

They drove him away in the police car.

"Juvia has to move. So he doesn't know where she lives when he gets out." I said to Erza without emotion.

"I'm willing to help. I bet Levy and Lucy are too. You wanna start now?" She asked. I nodded. We went upstairs and started packing.

Well we went to court. And he gets time in jail. And I have a restraining order against him. He went nuts again when he saw me. I will never have to see him again after this.


Hey guys. I know it's been a while since I wrote a chapter. I hope you liked it.  It took a weird twist, didn't it? Well if you like how I write, follow me. If you like the book, add it to a reading list. Liked the chapter? Vote for it!! And share it with your friends who like fairy tail. The next chapter is Nalu/ Natsu and Lucy. It will be Halloween themed. I'll try to post it within the next two weeks. My life is busy. And very stressful.


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