Chapter Seven- Lyvia

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Chapter Seven

Ship- Lyvia/ Lyon and Juvia

Juvia's P.O.V.

"We woke up at six for this!? To sit here for an hour for Natsu to decide on a job!?" Lucy exclaimed.

Natsu had finally chose one that he liked. He turned around and asked, "is this one okay?" He passes it around for everyone to look at.

When it finally got to me it read, ' Help us. We need help building a city. Reward: 40,000 J.' I thought it sounded good. I have never helped building a city.

"Juvia thinks it sound good." I say.

"Great! Let me show it to Mirajane and then we'll head off." Lucy says and takes the paper to Mirajane. Mira writes it down. And went to let the Master know.

Natsu led the way to the train station even though he'd rather walk. When we got there we bought our tickets and went on. Natsu was fine up until the train started moving. His face instantly turned a light shade of green and his head went into Lucy's lap. Lucy blushed.

Wendy tried to use her magic on him but his body won't accept its help anymore.

~An hour and a half later~

The train stops and we get off. We have to walk about twenty minutes to where the city is being built.

We get there and there are already some people from other guilds building. There was Saber Tooth, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus.

Behind some brick I saw some gray/ silver hair. I knew exactly who it was. It was Lyon. Him and Sherry were working on a building. 'Sherry... Juvia's love rival,' I thought.

We made our way to whoever we were suppose to talk to and they told us to work on the building that Lamia Scale is working on. I smiled and thought, 'Lyon.. Juvia gets to work with Lyon...'

I walked over there and said, "Hi, we get to help you on this building. Can Juvia work with you?" Sherry smiled and walked away.

"Yea, I guess." He said, his cheeks turned slightly pink. It wasn't very noticeable. So we started working and somewhat talking.

~An hour later~

I was a little tired. I've gotten to know Lyon a little better. ' When do we get a break?' I asked myself.

Beside me I heard, "Juvia?" I looked at Lyon.


"Would you like to go on a date with me when we get our two hour break?" He asked, this time blushing noticeably. I smile and nodded. I couldn't find any words to say. 'Juvia's speechless, Juvia can't say anything. Juvia's too happy.' I thought to myself.

Lyon smiled and got back to work. We were finishing a wall with the front door in it. After a while it was time for our two hour break.

"Where would you like to go? There isn't much here." Lyon said.

"Juvia guesses what ever is close."

"Well since there's nothing here. We'll have to walk for about twenty minutes." he said like it was gonna be a problem.

'It just means Juvia gets to be with you longer,' I thought. "It's fine, let Juvia go tell Lucy so she doesn't wonder." I say with a smile. I run off to Lucy.

"Juvia, are you okay? You're smiling like an idiot." Lucy said when I got over to her and Natsu.

"Juvia's okay. And she's not an idiot. Juvia is going into town with Lyon to eat." I say and Lucy smiles.

"That's great!" She says and gives me a quick hug. "Dont leave him waiting!" And kinda pushed me toward the direction I came from.

I smiled and run back to Lyon. "Okay, Juvia is ready to go." We started walking toward town. "Hey Lyon, Juvia kinda had a question. May Juvia ask it?"

"Umm.. Yea sure. I don't know why you asked." He replied.

"Juvia is wondering why you joined Lamia Scale and not Fairy Tail." I asked.

"Well it was right after Sherry and I fought you guys. And I don't think we would have been accepted. So we went there. But I'm changing guilds after this... I'm changing to Fairy Tail." He answered.

I'm surprised. "But why?"

"Because I don't really like it there but Sherry was my partner that was keeping me there. But then she joined a different group in the guild."

"Juvia thinks she could talk team Natsu into letting you join our group." I say with a smile. 'Juvia wants Lyon to join the group it would mean that we would get closer to each other.' I thought.

"Yea that'd be nice. I'd get to be with you more." His eyes widen. Obviously, he didn't mean to say that. He quickly said, "but I don't think Gray and Natsu would let me."

He blushed. 'Juvia knows he's hoping I didn't hear that.' I thought but I decide to say something. "Juvia would like you to join team Natsu because then Juvia would get to be with you more." I say with a smile.

Lyon blushes. We arrived at the town.We go to a restaurant and eat.

~Time skip to Team Natsu heading back to the Guild~

On the train back to Fairy Tail I was writing in my journal. I wrote:

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

It been a few weeks since we came here but Juvia is glad we are going back. Two weeks ago Lyon told Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Erza what he was gonna do. And they all accepted him in. And only Lucy and Erza knows this but Juvia started dating Lyon a week ago. It's been a good week. Juvia just hopes that the guild will accept him like they did Lucy.

I put my journal in my bag. Lyon was sitting next to me. I grab his hand and hold it. No one noticed except Lucy and Erza. They both smiled and squealed a little. Earning them weird look from everyone.


Hey guys, I know it late but I had homework to do. But oh well y'all can deal with it. But anyways follow me if you like how I write. Because I'm thinking about doing a book about a ship but I haven't decided what ship. Vote if you want me to keep writing. And the last part with Erza and Lucy squealing reminds of two people and they know who they are XD . The next chapter is Miraxus/ Mirajane and Laxus. That chapter will be published in about three to five days. I hope... Well until next time.


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