Chapter Thirteen- Mirafreed

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Chapter Thirteen

Ship- Mirafreed/ Mirajane and Freed

Freed's P.O.V.

So I have a book report due tomorrow during my last hour. I am about three-fourths done with the book. Then I have to write an one and a half page essay for English.

"I don't think I'm gonna get it done," I said to myself.

"What did you say?" a girl said from the other said of my room. It was my very best friend, Mirajane. But I call her Mira, she only let's me call her that. She comes over everyday after school.

I roll over on my bed and look at her. She was sitting at my desk doing math homework.

"I said, I don't think I'm gonna get this done. I'm almost half way through the book." I said to her being all sassy like.

Mira stood up and glared at me and said, "You wanna fight!?" I knew she was just messing around, because we do this all the time.

And me being me, I always say, "Yep! Let's go!"

But unlike all the other times, I actually tackled her to the ground. I pinned her to the floor. Mira blushed. 'What are you doing, Freed? But I must tell her,' I thought.

"Mira.... I have something to tell you....," I said shyly.

"Umm... Ok... But can you move first?" she asked and I moved.

I took a deep breath and said, "Mira, I have feeling for you. Always have." I blushed.

"I have always likes you to but I tried to make the feelings go away. And I'm glad a couldn't," she said with a smile.

"So you wanna try going out?" I asked shyly and blushed.

"I would love too. You know we don't have school Wednesday because Thursday is Thanksgiving. We could go out on a date," she said while smiling.

"You should talk to your mom about going to Thanksgiving with me. But we can't let our parents find out."

"I know. But my siblings will end up finding out. So I'll talk to them when I go home."

I go back to my bed, smiling about what just happened. I start reading my book. I was laying on my stomach. Next I knew my bed shifted a little and Mira was right next to me.

I looked at her and asked, "You need something?"

"I have read that before. And I remember it. I could write your essay if you do my math homework," she offered.

"Deal!!!" I exclaimed and ran across the room to the desk and got started on the math.

After about an hour I was done with the homework. And Mira just finished the essay. I went and laid next to her. She closed her eyes and yawned. After a few minutes, she was asleep. I pulled her close and drifted off into a wonderful dream.

~One hour later~

We woke up to Mira's alarm. The alarm meaning I was time for her to leave. I didn't want her to leave. But before she left I gave her a kiss. We both blushed.

~Thanksgiving day~

Mira has talked to her siblings and they promised not to tell. Her parents let her come with me to my grandma's house. She stayed by my side the entire time.

Since my grandmother lived by a forest after we ate we went for a walk. We found a log to sit on and we talked.

"Freed, your family is kinda weird." Mira said.

"Oh I know. But I only see them twice a year."

I kissed her on the cheek. We talked a little more about how both our families are weird. When we got back to the house, my mom was ready to leave. So we went home. I kinda wondered what happened after we left.

So when we got back home we played video games in my room. Well I played a little bit then I found a book to read. So I leaned against my bed and read.

After about an hour Mira got tired of playing so she came to me. She gave me a few kisses and then laid her head on my lap and went to sleep. I looked down at her and smiled.

'She's so cute,' I thought. Then I continued reading and also ran my fingers through her hair. After thirty minutes, I put the book down and leaned my head back and went to sleep. The last thing I remember thinking was 'I love Mira so very much.'


Hey guys, I'm sorry it's late. And I'm sorry that the 'Thanksgiving' isn't much but I'm sorry. I came up with the idea last minute. So deal with it. Oh if you like how I write please follow me because I'm writing other stories now. I just don't know when I should publish. And vote on this chapter if you liked it. We'll the next chapter is a surprise. ^¬^ Some of y'all might not like the surprise. So until next time.


Muahahahahah I'm EVIL!!!!

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