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"What was his name?" Tony asked, pulling a face, "You said he was older than Kellin?"

"Yeah,"I scratched the back of my neck, "He was twenty-two. And his name was Justin."

Oli frowned, "Wait, who's Kellin?"

Tony, Alex and Jaime looked round, all exchanging looks, an, "uhhh," escaping Alex's open mouth.

"Just a guy," I shrugged, making sure to check whether Mike was around or not.

School had ended but all of my friends and I were hanging outside, not ready to go home yet. This usually happened on warm days, the sun oddly being out again.

Most of us that went to the bar that time were here, along with some others.

I was fairly popular in school, no real enemies, and had a quite a few friends. The only problem lately was that asshole, Ronnie Radke, and his friends. Andy Biersack could be a bit of a dick but he wasn't as bad.

"So you... you made out with Justin," Danielle processed, "And then Kellin caught you? Why did you never tell us this?"

"It never came up?" I spoke, intending fot it to come out as a statement, though it came out more as a question. Was it weird that I made out with a twenty-two year old? I mean, I was eighteen and I'm pretty sure there are students at the school banging teachers so they couldn't complain.

"But Kellin was cool with it?" Alex piped up, causing me to pull a face. I wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it. He didn't like me talking about Justin, even if we only met twice, and Kellin said he stopped screwing other guys so hopefully that's the last time that happens.

"Uh... He drove me home and smoked the whole way. He kinda took a detour so he could smoke for longer which made me think I was gonna die for a little bit because I kept forgetting to breathe. I don't know-"

"Have you had sex?" Oli asked bluntly. That was kind of just how Oliver was though do I ignored the mildly rude bahavior.


He squinted eyes, his gaze flicking all over my face, "Well, you've done something, mate, I can see it."

I bit the inside of my cheek, fighting so hard to supress the smirk that was desperate to spread on my face. Alex and Danielle noticed, both of their mouths falling open as they turned to face my fully.

Oli chuckled, "Thought so."

After that, I didn't bother hiding my contorting lips.

"What did you do? Hand job? Blow job? Did he-"

"Shut up!" I cut Dani off quickly, her voice being far too loud. She had one of those warm, kind of deep voices (for a girl) and this Corthern Californian accent. It was nice but because of this, she always talked kinda loudly and the last thing I wanted was for someone like Mike to overhear.

"Damn, sorry," she laughed, bright teeth showing.

"It's okay," I laughed back lightly.

"So yeah, what happened? You're telling me now or tomorrow, you have no choice," Oli asked, facing me.

I noticed Jaime and Tony listening in, looking at me. I couldn't decifer what they were thinking but I knew they thought me and Kellin were weird together. I don't see what the problem was! I'm eighteen!

Jesus, I keep having to remind everyone that.

I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket, viewing the, "Come home. Jesus, where the fuck are you?" text I had gotten from Kellin.

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