After he left and locked the door, Alex curled up into a ball on the ground crying at what she had become. A tool, a weak tool. 'Don't believe him Laura, none of that was your fault, you tried your best.' Alex's wolf cooed trying to calm her down. Eventually she got herself covered up with the remaining clothes she had left and cried herself to sleep thinking of her mate Emma and what would she be doing.

The next day Taylor came by with Alex's food and water. She placed them inside her cage and sat there with her. Alex didn't even look at Taylor or the food she remained in her curled up ball in the corner. The tears from her constant crying were stained along her swollen cheeks and her eyes were still red from all of the crying.

"Hey, are you ok? Your food is here and I've added a few extras today." Taylor asked curious as to why Alex hadn't dived for the food. No reply, "Come on Alex tell me." Taylor tries asking again with no reply.

Taylor worried for her ex girlfriend went over to check on her to notice her clothing torn in most places, cuts and bruises everywhere with dried up blood telling a few stories on how they came to be on her body. But Taylor noticed she had been crying, a lot, she immediately went to hug her but Alex growled a little then stopped a second after. Taylor touched Alex's shoulder then pulled her into a hug causing Alex to whimper with pain.

"Its ok I won't hurt you anymore, what happened? Tell me." Taylor asked pulling out of the hug looking into Alex's soft eyes. Alex lowered her head disappointed with herself but Taylor lifted her chin back up again with her fingers. "Tell me, what has happened?" Taylor asked again worried for her ex.

"Steve raped me, he raped me!" Alex cried then started sobbing into her shredded clothes with her arms covering her head. Taylor was taken back by it, 'He promised he wouldn't!' Taylor thought to herself pissed off that he would break a promise to her and that he would even do it in the first place.

Taylor pulled Alex into a tight hug trying not to hurt her sores, she rocked her back and forth hushing her, trying to calm her down. "I'll deal with him later, don't you worry I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again, tell me everything and I'll do what I can to help." Taylor said still furious, she knew from her own experience that Steve was a ticking time bomb. He has had her basically trapped for years and she couldn't do nothing about it. 


Back at the castle...

Emma had been so depressed since Alex went missing that she couldn't even check on Alex using their mate link. No matter how hard she tried she ended up with nothing. She barely eat and barely slept, she even locked her self in her room worrying about Alex, her mate, her love, her slave and her life. She kept herself awake trying to think and plan how to get her back.

After four days of Alex being taken away, her little sister Nicole decided to visit her. Nicole was 5ft 5", a lovely glowing tan showing she loved the sun, her eyes were forest green and had shoulder length blonde hair.

Nicole was worried sick for her older sister because of what happened to her and Alex so she wanted to check on her. Emma heard a knock on her door. "Go away!" she exclaimed. She didn't want to entertain anybody, she only wanted her mate Alex.

"Hey sis, its me Nicole," Nicole said softly while entering Emma's room. "Oh my Emma!" Nicole exclaimed when she saw Emma. Emma was hugging her pillow close to her, mascara and eyeliner stained her cheeks and the pillow covers, there was a few bruises from the fight that hadn't healed just yet. She looked paler than she usually would, she didn't look like herself at all. As she sat in her bed hugging her pillow she looked so fragile, so weak.

Emma was shocked and confused on why Nicole visited her. "Oh, Gen. Kyle told me what happened to you. So I wanted to come and check you." Nicole awkwardly explained.

"Oh, my ma-mate is in da-danger. I can feel her pain but can't reach her." Emma confessed to Nicole while crying. Nicole not knowing what to do pulled Emma to a hug. She cried harder while Nicole comforted her. "Shh, everything will be okay. Hmm you'll see." Nicole tried to cheer Emma up, she then pushed Emma's dark hair over her shoulder, she had never seen her in such a state since their parents were murdered.

Emma fell asleep in her sister's shoulder after a night of talking. Nicole laid Emma on the bed and pulled the blankets up over her then decided to leave her room seeing that she could do nothing else. Nicole loved and respected her older sister as she had always been there for her, she had endured so much in her life that it wasn't fair for everything to finally happen now.

As soon as Nicole stepped outside the room and closed the door behind her, she saw Taylor with a sack of fresh food. She always liked Taylor and yes fancied her a little but couldn't believe what happened. 'Why would Taylor be in the castle if she was apart of the conspiracy and risk getting caught or worse.' Taylor bowed her head to Nicole and continued on her way. 'Why would she risk it?' Nicole thought to herself.

Nicole suspected something was up so followed Taylor secretly out of the castle, she texted General Kyle, 'Get the troops ready I think I might be able to find Alex.' After an hour of non stop walking Taylor finally stopped at a grocery shop and sat there for a while. General Kyle phoned her to check if she was ok and where she was. Nicole told him they went north west of the castle and her and Taylor were currently at a shop by the forest. Before Taylor exited the shop General Kyle, David Johnson, about forty other soldiers and Emma arrived. They allowed Taylor to continue on forward so she couldn't see them.

They eventually reached their destination. General Kyle had called everyone together to discuss the plan. Emma and fifteen other soldiers went to check for Alex, Nicole and ten soldiers were to find the whereabouts of Steve, Taylor and Todd while General Kyle and the remaining troops scouted the area then would sneak in.

The building was an ancient castle, there were parts at the top destroyed and rubble left by decades of fighting. General Kyle, Emma and Nicole all went their separate ways, Nicole hugged her sister and took off down a long dark hallway. It was large inside, the curtains were ruby red closed over the windows. Nicole was careful not to be seen and stumbled across an old wooden door. She found the keys hanging on a hook beside the door and opened it.

"Oh my God," Nicole silently gasped at what she saw. 

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