12 - "He felt so out of control"

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*** Media Section: Video is The Emotion by BØRNS. Image is Ian Harding as Mr. Harris ***

Dedication: darlingdimps and @PJbooks because I couldn't decide so I picked both. :) 

The next chapter Luke is going back to school. I don't know why I'm so excited about that but I am haha. Also, next chapter is going to fuel my Lashton heart so I'm super excited to write it. 

I want to see if I can get up two chapters next week because after next week I'm going to be in England for Sounds Live Feels Live so I won't be able to update. So yeah, hopefully I'm not too busy and I can get two updates up. Much excite for SLFL!

Hope you enjoy the chapter and let me know if you notice any errors. Comment/vote if you liked. Thanks so much for reading. :) - Vanessa 



I screwed up though," he said, sighing to himself as he rubbed at his face rather furiously.

Luke looked at him, confused and mind swirling with questions as Ryan's words danced in his mind.

"You screwed up how?" Luke asked when he didn't reply. He didn't seem to hear Luke though, completely in his own thoughts as he whispered the next line.

"I screwed up and now they're after you. I don't know how to stop it."


*** Media: Calum on the first day of high school

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

*** Media: Calum on the first day of high school. Flashback from Chapter 4 is the same day ***

"I'm so nervous for classes," Luke mumbled, stumbling beside Calum as they rushed to their lesson.

"Luke, we've already had like five lessons today," Calum laughed, fixing his cap on his head as Luke adjusted his beanie, the bobbles hitting the side of his face as he tried to walk fast without tripping.

"Yeah but this is our first day of High School, every lesson we're experiencing for the first time so you never know what to expect," he huffed, shooting Calum a look for laughing.

"Alright I get what you're saying but so far all our lessons have been okay so I don't see why this one wouldn't be," he shrugged.

"Maybe because we're late?" Luke supplied, rolling his eyes.

"It's not our fault we got lost."

"I doubt the teacher will see it that way. What lesson do we have first?" Luke asked.

"History with Mr. Harris."

"I'm so glad we have classes together," Luke sighed and Calum nodded solemnly, imagining a sad alternative where they were alone in their classes.

Who Can Save Me Now? || Lashton (BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora