1 - "What's a fluke?"

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Yay! First chapter is up and I'm so excited for this story! Make sure you read the prologue and watch the video in the media section of the prologue so you know what's going on.

Exams are done and I'm ready to get this fic going! I have a schedule on my profile so I'll be updating this story every Monday.

If you notice any spelling/grammatical errors let me know so I can fix them!

Please vote and/or comment if you enjoyed the chapter and let me know what you think! It would mean a lot to me. :) - Vanessa


Liz had never felt more exhausted. As she lay in the hospital bed, waiting for the doctors to bring her her new born son, she couldn't help but compare this pregnancy to her previous two sons, Ben and Jack.

It had been far more tedious. She had to visit the doctor constantly and every time the baby kicked it was incredibly painful, probably more so than it should've been. She knew this pregnancy was a high risk factor, especially because after Ben and Jack she was informed she wouldn't be able to have anymore kids. It broke her heart knowing this, especially because she had always been someone who wanted plenty of children and she knew Andrew was upset by it too.

She had her two other beautiful sons, however, so she accepted that and loved them more than ever. So it was quite the shock nine months ago to find out she was pregnant. She and Andrew were overjoyed and Ben and Jack were excited to find out they would be having a baby sibling. She was informed the chances of a miscarriage were likely due to the fact that it was a miracle she was even pregnant in the first place.

This pregnancy had exhausted her. Every time her son so much as kicked she'd double over in pain. She was constantly stressed, worried that every pang of pain was perhaps a miscarriage and so for the last few months Liz practically lived here. The doctors didn't understand why she was experiencing so much discomfort but assured her that her baby boy was completely healthy and she was more than relieved.

After hours and hours of intense and excruciating labour, Liz gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. With soft tufts of light blonde hair, beautiful baby blue eyes, rosy skin and a soft dainty nose, he was perfect and Liz couldn't love him more.

So when the nurse walked in with a small bundle in a blue blanket her heart swelled in her chest. Andrew was asleep on the couch beside her and she honestly didn't know why considering she was the one who had done all the hard work but she let him be. The nurse smiled warmly at Liz, placing the small baby in her arms and her face broke into the biggest smile.

"He's absolutely beautiful," the nurse said, staring at the baby boy fondly.

"He is, isn't he?" Liz said, keeping her gaze fixed on the sleeping newborn in her arms. His eyelashes fluttered against his rosy cheeks and he scrunched up his little nose. Soft gargling noises came from him every so often as he drooled and Liz's heart melted at the sight.

"Have you decided on a name?" The nurse asked politely but Liz shook her head no. She hadn't thought of any names because she wanted to decide on a name based on what suited her son best when she finally laid her eyes on him.

"Should I wake him up?" The nurse chuckled, pointing at Andrew. Liz laughed lightly so as not to wake the baby in her arms and nodded, smiling at the nurse gratefully.

The nurse shook Andrew gently as he snored, "Sir, would you like to see your son?" The nurse whispered, and at those words his eyes flew open as he stood rapidly. He blinked around until his eyes focused on Liz and his smiled when seeing his wife and beautiful newborn son. He thanked the nurse and walked up to Liz, glancing down at baby in her arms.

Who Can Save Me Now? || Lashton (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora