5 - "You're telling me that everyone in Sydney looks up to a high school kid?"

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Dedication: @DJ_MusicElf

Don't forget to point out any mistakes! I hate mistakes so be a homie if you notice any.

Also, vote if you enjoyed and if you're feeling particularly generous leave a comment letting me know what you thought. I really appreciate it. :) - Vanessa


Luke sighed, glad he was done his homework and was well rested. He planned on staying out the whole night as Dr. Fluke. He needed to visit the hospital to see what happened and he needed to make up for his mistakes. He couldn't allow more people to die because of his negligence.

Luke thought back to the notes he'd gotten. If only there was a way to track this person down but he didn't know how. It was practically impossible, especially if this was the same person from when he was a kid. He knew they had something to do with what happened in the hospital though and he had to do something about it.

Something told him that this was only the beginning.


Luke didn't want to go to school today. He'd only been in high school for a month and he hated it. The teachers were disappointed in him, he could tell. They were immensely excited to find out he was a Hemmings but when he wasn't part of any sports teams and wasn't doing too well in their classes, their disappointment became apparent.

That wasn't what made it all too bad though. What made it bad was that he barely had any friends and by barely he means he just had Calum. It had always been like that before but when high school was approaching, Luke got the impression that maybe he'd finally gain some new friends. He was mistaken, apparently.

People were far meaner in high school. They never did anything physical which Luke could handle because well, he was stronger than all of them. The problem was how they attacked him verbally. He'd never been good at defending himself against mean words because Luke didn't know what to say.

He'd always been insecure and stuttered over his own words, struggling to come up with what to say. People made fun of him for it and it hurt. He knew that if he really wanted to he could beat them all up but how would he explain that? How on earth could the scrawny, small, fourteen-year-old boy suddenly take on everyone picking on him when he didn't contribute in P.E. and didn't do any sports?

It wouldn't make sense and Luke knew that so he did nothing. His only defence was words and he was never good at that. He'd had to present a speech last week and he'd been stuttering and shaking so much the teacher told him to stop and come back at break where he could present to her alone. The whole class laughed and Luke hated it.

Calum had made tonnes of new friends. He never ditched Luke or anything but he was already sort of popular. Not in the higher grades because their grade would remain low on the food chain until next year, but amongst their own grade he was. He'd made friends and had even asked some girl out.

It hurt that he seemed to be one of the only people that didn't fit in. The beautiful boy whose name he learned was Ashton was extremely popular and had already shown massive potential on the swimming team.

Luke knew he had to be gay due to his attraction to Ashton. He realised that he'd never felt any form of attraction towards girls like he did to him so it was pretty easy to figure out. He hadn't told anyone yet but he was thinking of telling Calum sometime soon. He was slightly afraid though.

Everyone seemed to be becoming exactly who they were meant to be but Luke was just there. He sometimes felt like he didn't know who he was. He wasn't good at anything and had nothing to offer and it frustrated him. He sometimes wondered what was the point of him.

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