Chapter 10

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 The photo to the right is of Ned 

Yep..................David Henry, I thought his studious self would fit Ned,

what d yall think??????

isnt he alright????????????????

comments pleeeease.....................


The same evening I had spent all alone, in my room, flipping through the pages of the books I had borrowed from Ned.

Each and every page of all his books had been scribbled in with formulaes and stuff, that it was hard to make out most of what was written.

Something I ought to note: Never borrow a book from Ned EVER again, that is if I am planning to get good marks. Perhaps, I could ask Mel, I suppose she'd be only too  glad to lend me her books, plus they should be a lot neater then this!!

There was a knock at the door and then it opened. 

"Uhm-Gwen dear." It was Scarlet's honeyed voice.

I pressed the book to my face, so I couldn't see Scarlet looking at me with that fake worried look she always wore. 

"Gwen," she repeated yet again, a little louder this time.

"What is it?" I say in a sotto voice.

"About-well, it's about you know, getting to know one another better," she said, quietly. "It is necessary."

This time,  I looked at her pale oval face over the top of Ned's book. 

"Getting to know one another better?!"I asked, incredulously. "And why would you think that's necessary?"

"Because then you'll understand that I care for your betterment and nothing more than that."

"CARE FOR MY BETTERMENT!" I said, smugly. "I really appreciate it, but I think I have somebody better then yourself who cares about my betterment, as you so call it!"


She hadn't yet completed her sentence, when my temper flared up and I burst out saying, "YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!"

Scarlet gave me an apprehensive look, but didn't move from the spot she stood at; instead she said more calmly then ever, "I understand how you're feeling about your dad-"


I was inhaling and exhaling deeply. Tears of great fury welled up in my eyes, I almost felt like breaking something....anything.

"Please-I-I'm sorry.....I know...just le-let me finish,and th-then you ca...can shout your heart out.I won't say a thing. I promise."

She looked at me intently, waiting for me to argue back or probably throw something; but when I did neither she said,"Your mother chose her way and your father chose his, and none can be blamed now for what has happened, she's with someone too."

When I said nothing, she continued, "Look, hon-Gwen, please-if there is anything...anything at all, you can always tell me. I'm going to be there for you."

"I won't need you," I said, contemptuously. "Now if you will, just walk out of MY room, I have certain things to get over with."

I could feel Scarlet's eyes prying on me for what seemed to be forever, until finally she heaved out a sigh and walked out of my room. 

Placing Ned's book gently on the bed side table, I pulled the covers over me and stared gloomily at the frame in which  mum and I were standing in front of Big Ben. I was eighteen then.

I missed her bad!!!!!Like really bad!!!!

And the fact that she hadn't yet contacted me sort of depressed me, my very own mother would do such a thing, was impossible to imagine.

Silent tears rolled down my cheek as I shut my eyes close and fell into the arms of the nice warm breeze that blew in through the windows and entered into my room, washing all the sorrows off my face. I had to be optimistic,I had to; Mum always told me to because then, things would automatically fall into track and then I needn't had to worry about anything at all.

Smiling quietly, I thought about Zack, completely cluless of why his picture even shot into my head. He was adorable!!!!Adorable for a guy!!!


Not abig chapter

My Apologies, but I really had to get this done, cuz I had sm other work.

Its short, but what do you think about it??

Do what you like:

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vote if you think it deserves it (but I'd be really happy if you did)

And finally 

Faaaan me please!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for Reading

I will try to update the next chapter by the earliest, till then enjoy the best of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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