Chapter 52

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Imagine that point of time when you study so hard for something, like exceptionally very diligently and then you're very sincere in all your work till you have finished writing your exam and then at the time of the results, you get to know, you failed!

Now put me in that place.

That's how I felt.

Mixture of emotions bubbling inside me, tearing me apart from the inside.

"OMG! What a pleasant surprise." Could you expect her to get any more surlier and smirking.

Samantha was lying flat across the enormously large fluffy bed and Zack right next almost completely naked, except for his stupid bright red boxers.

"Honey, we've been disturbed," Samantha, that complete bitchy arse, climbed over onto Zack and started kissing him all over the mouth, as if she were the ravenous lioness deprived off her food for days.

He pushed her off of him to the other side.

"What the hell is with you Martin?" she spat at him, but Zack ignored her.

"Gwen," he said getting up.

"YOU AWFUL-CHEAT...COMPLETE ARSE....OBNOXIOUS.....SLEEPING WITH THIS WHORE......." I lost conscious of what I was yelling at him, in fact we were almost nose to nose as I yelled in his face. "YOU DARE 'GWEN' ME AGAIN. YOU SICK JERK."

"Are you done?" he sounded weak. "I deserve to be cursed more."

"'ve been sleeping with this sl*t and that's why you didn't call me?" I sounded deeply wounded. "Funny how Scarlet said it will be much easier for me and guess what- it is!"


"I had anyway come to tell you that I was done with you, but you seemed to have made the process much simpler" I took a step back from him.

"You came here to break up with me?" he sounded hurt.

"You were bringing an end to us anyway. How could you-"

"Look miss twinkle toe," Samantha started, getting off the bed, to reveal her half naked torso. "Your boyfriend here-oops ex- I meanta say has loved me from the start. He never loved you. Why don't you tell her Zackkie...tell her that you never loved the drack."

"Shut up Samantha," he said weakly.

"Don't you tell me to shut up. I overheard you and your dimwitted best friend months ago. You were going to use her to get me back, because you were desperate for me. You thought that if you went out with this little simpleton, I'd beg you back. You never really loved her."

Every word she spat out at me made me feel like I could just drown myself in pool of water.

Why.....why...was I a sick adamant idiot? Why couldn't I just have listened to Ned and Mel. They told many a times, and what did I do?

Tried to prove them wrong.

And what did I get?


This sickening, pathetically horrible day and a loss of the person I was supposedly meant to be with if I hadn't been so juvenile and immature about falling for looks, because trust me, I've learnt a lot in my life.

"Looks like someone needs a nappy-wappy kin," she jeered. "Poor thing you are. Haven't you been wondering why your boyfriend isn't meeting you much, or talking to you since the start of exams?"

"YOU'RE THE REASON I LOST NED," I yelled at him, not caring about the grumpy old lady sleeping downstairs.

"I swear to God, I didn't know you called me or messaged me. Infact, I thought you were busy with your family cuz I heard your mum is here-"

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