I managed to survive and got chaned back into my unifrom and checked my timetable; music, break, music. Okay I can deal with that, we're performing anyway today. I made my way up the music stairs and lined up outside waiting to be brought in. Miss stood at the door as she welcomed us into the classroom. Upon seeing me she pulled me to one side and asked me to wait there after giving me a very concerned look. After all the students were there she told them to practise quickly. She then turned to me.

"Morning Nicole. Would you like to go and dry off a little?" she asked smiling at me. Shaking and teeth chattering, I replied.

"Morning miss, would that be okay?" I asked.

"Of course." she said, she pulled out an exit card. "I'm doing the performances in alphabetical order, but as you should be first, you will now be last. That okay?" She asked. I nodded and she ushered me out of the classroom.

I returned about ten minuets later a lot dryer and warmer due to the fact I just sat under a hand dryer for ten minuets. I took my seat at the back of the classroom and watched the others in my class sing and play their music. The amount of people who covered Taylor Swift and One Direction was ridiculous. We had to fill in this evaluation form for each person. One group of girls murdered Little Things. I seriously do not understand how half of these people can be doing music. Like, I know I’m not the best but at least I can sing in tune. The bell went for break and Miss Lovato announced that we could stay in the classroom to practise if we wished. Most of us left to perform stayed.

I grabbed my guitar and started singing the chorus. I could hardly hear myself over the noise of everybody else. Miss Lovato was going around listening to everyone and giving them little tips.

“Sing me the first verse.” She demanded when she got round to me. I sang it to her and she told me to project my voice a bit more. The bell went before I could work on her advice and the rest of the class pilled back in and took their seats. There was about seven of us left to perform. They all whizzed by until Miss called my name out. I stood up and grabbed the guitar and made my way to the front. I took a seat on the chair. I introduced myself,

“Hey, I’m Nicole. I write my own music and I’ll be doing an acoustic cover of If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low.” And began to play the chords.

“I'm lost in empty pillow talk again

I'm lost in empty pillow talk again

This bed's an island made of feather down, and I'm stuck here alone

With little else but memories of you, on memory foam

Visions of a brighter love, I'd kill for one more day

To pool my thoughts, and find the words to say

If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away,

I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me.

Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me.

I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.

I'm lost in empty pillow talk again

This room's become a mausoleum, filled with relics of regret

Paying dues to every moment wasted, on words left unsaid

Collisions of a finer love, I'd kill for one more way

To tell you how you make me better every day

If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away,

I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me.

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