Chapter 20

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Lauren POV

The note. I can't seem to take my mind off of it. I can't lose her, not again. I can't.

"Lauren!" My mom yelled across the other couch.

"Sorry mom I just have a lot in mind."

"Are you okay," she asked concerned.

I flashed a smile and turned to the television where everybody else's attention was drawn to. I don't know why, I mean its just the news. Although, I was intrigued by this one big headline about a minor getting into a car crash. A vague showing of this girl being pulled out of the car appeared. The car, the girl, all looked familiar, but everything was broken and bloody I just couldn't tell. Suddenly, it hit me as it did for everybody else in the room. My phone started buzzing, and my family started talking. 

"Isn't that Camila?" a voice in the room asked.

News: A crash in the Bay St intersection occurred around 6 PM. The people have spoken that a car allegedly sped through a red light and had crashed into a minor's car who is found unconscious. The minor is being brought into a hospital now.

Everything became unclear. Voices became murmurs, my phone still buzzing in my hand. My heart strings were aggressively pulled from my chest. Im left numb, not knowing what to do or think

I can't lose her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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