"Good morning. I like your Jordans." He yawned.

"Awe, are you tired?" I asked, yawning also.

"Dang, it's official, yawns are contagious," he laughed, "Here, I'll take your bags for you."

He started to lift them but I stopped him. "Cameron, please. I can handle this."

"Nah, it's cool. Let me." He gave me a wink as he started to load everything into their Rang Rover.

A wink! Omg he just winked at me. I bowed my head down and turned it away a bit so he wouldn't see the blush that I'm sure was painted on my cheeks. That gave me tingles.

"Hold on a sec, I forgot my purse." I told Cameron and I ran back in the house.

"I wanna meet your husband!" Brandy smiled.

"Fake husband Brand. It's all fake." I sighed, reminding myself about this fact in the process also. I obviously don't wanna be married now, but I honestly wish I could call him mine.

I've wanted this since forever now, and even though it's technically happening, it's all just pretend.

"Yeah, maybe the couple thing is fake but the feelings aren't!" She winked.

"Whatever, you'll meet him eventually. I gotta go! Love you Brandy!" I said and embraced her in a hug.

"Love you too shawty! Text me every day and if there's a problem, me and my Mercedes will be up at that resort in a second." She yelled as I walked out.

"K, bye!" I shut the door, jumping when I realized Cameron was still waiting outside for me. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He smiled.

"Come on. If we don't get going, we will miss the bus to San Diego." He led me into the Range Rover and we were driven to school.


"Welcome to the Hilton San Diego Resort! Everyone get in line with your couples to collect your room cards." Mrs. Allens instructed.

It seemed as if we both had the same idea as we began racing to the front desk, but Luke and Samantha beat Cameron and I to it.

"Haha. Slow pokes." Luke laughed.

"Shut up." Cameron laughed as well, I scoffed in my head. Luke sickens me. He makes a move on me and when I reject him, he gets his stupid friends to beat me up.

Couldn't even do it himself, huh. He's the main reason why other students started to bully me, just because he did it first.

Samantha filled out the forms they were given while Luke flirted with her. Oh, poor girl. I really do feel bad for her, just another girl he is going to bother the hell out of

We had to sign permission slips too. For instances when we wanted to leave the resort, we needed to have them in order to exit and then re-enter? Also no parties, curfew is at 10, etcetera, etcetera.

I know they prepared separate rooms for everyone, but I also know that that's not going to stop some of these guys from getting into girls pants. Hint hint. Luke.

They finally finished filling out their forms and it was our turn now to read the list of rules and sign the papers.

"This is so much!" Cameron complained. "Yeah, true." I agreed.

"Like here, no affectionate displays inside of our rooms! They can't stop anyone from doing that! It's not like there's security cameras or anything." He groaned.

I giggled at his comment, and I could feel my dimples seeping in my skin.

When we had finally finished, the front desk person gave us our room cards, our bags were loaded on the bag trolley and we led up the elevator.

"We're here." Cameron smiled as he opened up the door to the room.

It was gorgeous. The San Diego River could be seen right out the window!

There was a small living room with a flat screen television on the wall, a couch, a small kitchen island with chairs surrounding it, cabinets, a microwave and fridge.

"This is so cool." He said, setting down our luggage. I nodded, he flopped himself onto the couch and turned on the TV.

I couldn't help but stare at his every move, I was mesmerized. And all he was doing was looking through the channels, to find something to watch.

He found 'The Terminator' showing on TnT and suddenly turned his head at me. Did he know I was staring?

"Wanna watch with me?" He asked. I wanted to say yes more than anything but as much as I wanted to, I was too tired.

"No thanks. I wanna get some sleep. Which room do you want?" I asked.

"You pick whichever you want and I'll just take the other." He shot me a wink and then glued his eyes to the TV.

I got my luggage and was about to close the door, but Cameron told me something.

"Oh, and Bianca?" He asked, getting up and coming closer to me.

"Yeah?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Sweet Dreams, wifey." He said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and walking back over to the couch.

I was stunned, the only thing he did was kiss me on the cheek and I was feeling all tingly.

I softly shut the door behind me and flopped on the bed, cuddling with the covers.

Maybe this marriage thing wouldn't be so bad after all.


Hey, its been a long time since I've publish so here you go.

Hows the story?

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