Chapter 13: Supply Run

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"Is it just me" Alicia yelled to cover the motorcycle's noise. "Or it's getting worse?"
They were driving through the street, and there were a lot of infected.
"I guess so" Elyza admitted.
She drove the motorcycle away from the infected, and finally arrived in a street where there were less of them.
"Here" Elyza said stopping her engine. "I hope we'll find what we need here"
Alicia get down of the motorcycle, and noticed they were standing in front of a big gun store.
"I've never thought I would go in one of those shops one day" she said following Elyza inside.
As Elyza was taking what they needed, Alicia walked around the shop, looking at the different items. There were guns of different sizes, different shotguns, but also knifes and swords. She took a knife from on of the shelves to examine it, and took its label.
"12.5 Inch in length
Rosewood handle
Damascus steel blade
Damascus pommel and guard"
"Cool" Alicia said with a little smile, examining the blade, where there were complex drawings engraved.
She took its sheath and tied it at her waist, at the other side of her gun. Then she continued to look around the shop, and stopped in front of swords.
"Check this out!" She exclaimed taking a sword.
Elyza raised her eyes from what she was doing, and looked at Alicia.
"You're sexy with a sword" she said with a smirk, then winked at her.
Alicia rolled her eyes, but kept her smile while she was blushing.
"I'll keep it" she said.
"As you wish" Elyza said with a little smile.
Alicia slowly walked toward Elyza, and took a deep breath.
"I'm scared" she finally said.
"We all are" Elyza said as if it was obvious, taking some boxes of ammunition to put them in her backpack.
"That's not what I mean" Alicia said in a soft voice, and Elyza looked at her a bit confused.
"I'm scared about my mother's reaction, even if I know she's not homophobic, I'm afraid to tell her. And I don't want to lose you"
"Princess, you will never lose me" Elyza said with a little smile, touched by the fact that Alicia finally decided to talk to her. "I'll always be here for you"
"You were planning to leave" Alicia said raising an eyebrow.
"And you convinced me to stay. I'll always be here for you."
Alicia nodded, looking a bit sad.
"That's what Matt told me"
"Who's Matt ?" Elyza asked with a frown.
"He was my boyfriend" Alicia explained. "He has been bitten when everything started"
She raised her arm, showing her tattoo to Elyza.
"He drew this the day before. When I understood what happened to him, I tattooed it, so I can keep it forever"
Elyza slowly smiled, and caressed the tattoo with her index finger.
"It's beautiful" she said.
"He was good drawer"
"Better than me ?" Elyza asked raising an eyebrow.
Alicia slowly laughed.
"I can't compare" she said. "I'm sorry for yesterday"
"I'm sorry too" Elyza said, then she wrapped her arms around Alicia and pulled her in for a hug.
"We can leave now." Elyza finally said, pulling away. "I'm done with the ammunition"
They both walked toward the door, and exited the shop. But once they were out, they froze. A big group of infected was in the street, and it was impossible for them to join the motorcycle.
"Fuck !" Elyza exclaimed, and grabbed Alicia by the wrist.
"Come on!" She said, entering the shop.
They ran through the shop and exited it by the back door. They arrived in an alley, but there were also infected.
"Ok princess" Elyza said taking her gun. "Here we go"
Alicia took her gun, and they started to shot. Every bullets Elyza shoot arrived in a infected's head, but Alicia missed a lot. As she didn't have ammunition anymore, she decided to take her sword, and started to hit the infected with it.
"Wow I didn't know you know how to use this" Elyza said a bit surprised.
"I don't" Alicia said.
Elyza shoot some infected, and finally started to run, grabbing Alicia's arm.
"Come on !" She yelled, and they ran at the end of the alley.
But some infected were already following them, while others were arriving in front of them.
"What the hell ?" Alicia exclaimed, starting to panic.
"Come on !" Elyza said, and they ran toward a car and got on the roof.
"What now ?" Alicia asked, looking at the infected that were surrounding them.
"Take this" Elyza said and gave her gun machine to Alicia.
Then she took her backpack and put it on the car's roof, and took some ammunition. She took her gun machine back, standing up, and started to shot the infected. Alicia didn't move, she just hit the ones that were trying to grab her with her sword.
"Come on" Elyza said once there were less infected, grabbing her backpack.
Alicia jumped on the ground and started to run toward the motorcycle. Elyza jumped as well, but she failed and fell on the ground, screaming out of pain.
"Elyza!" Alicia screamed.
But the infected were already grabbing her, an Elyza used her pistol to defend herself.
"Run !" Elyza yelled, looking at Alicia with fear in her eyes.
But Alicia didn't obeyed and, totally terrified, she ran toward Elyza and started hitting the infected with her sword. She hit at least five infected before grabbing Elyza by her arm, and helped her to stand up. But the motorcycle was surrounded by the infected once more, so it was impossible for the girls to join it.
"This way !" Alicia yelled, and started to walk fast, a arm wrapped around Elyza's waist and Elyza's arm wrapped around Alicia's shoulders. Elyza tried her best to walk as fast as she could, but her injured ankle wasn't helping. Alicia finally slammed a building's door open, and they slowly walked upstairs. Once they arrived at the first floor, Alicia opened the first door, and they arrived in a little apartment, where there were only a little kitchen, a table and a bed.
"Here" Alicia said helping Elyza to sit down on the bed. "I think we're safe now."

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