Private Chat 25

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gr33n!E has invited e.$wan to a private chat

gr33n!Ehey Emma

gr33n!E:  Emma?

gr33n!E:  saaaviooooor

gr33n!E:  Blondie!!!


gr33n!E:  geez woman

e.$wanshe's not available!!!

gr33n!E:  who dis?

gr33n!E:  Regina?



e.$wanof course it's Regina you twat

gr33n!E:  put Emma on the phone

e.$wan she's asleep

gr33n!E:  PUT HER

e.$wan what is so important that you have to text her at fucking two in the morning?!

gr33n!E:  none of ur business

e.$wan she's my girl so it's my business

gr33n!E:  fine whatever


gr33n!E:  😂😂😂

e.$wan you did not have to wake me up like that woman

gr33n!E:  Emma?

e.$wan uh huh

gr33n!E:  finally

e.$wan what do you need?

gr33n!E:  I need u

e.$wan well you're not getting me anytime soon

gr33n!E:  goddammit I meant that I need you to tell me something

gr33n!E:  I don't need you

gr33n!E:  geez 😒

e.$wan well tell me already cuz you didn't wake me up with Regina's Walking Dead ringtone for nothing

gr33n!E:  😂😂😂

gr33n!E:  that was hilarious

gr33n!E:  tho I regret doing it to some extent.  I never expected to see you both so naked and so cuddled up

e.$wan 😝

e.$wan tell me what the hell do you want cuz I'd gladly go back to sleep

gr33n!E:  NO DON'T GO!!!

gr33n!E:  err... I want to know when you're due

e.$wan ...

e.$wan you fucking woke me up at two in the fucking morning to fucking ask me when I'm fucking due?!

gr33n!E:  you don't have to fuck so much woman

gr33n!E:  I couldn't fucking sleep because of the fucking bloody question.  So fucking answer me.

e.$wan Regina says you should stop cursing so much


e.$wan I know

e.$wan she already has a punishment for me

gr33n!E:  woman just tell me when are you due!!!

e.$wan June 7th

gr33n!E:  aw crap

e.$wan the bet, I know

gr33n!E:  I was actually looking forward to that 😞

e.$wan when are you due?

gr33n!E:  April 16th.  4 more months to go.

e.$wan are u excited?

gr33n!E:  yes but I'm so freaking scared 😣

e.$wan don't worry, it's normal.

gr33n!E:  and I've turned into a hormonal mess!!!

e.$wan happens

gr33n!E:  if I was annoying before, imagine now that I'm preggo

e.$wan 😂😂😂

gr33n!E:  and I kind of feel bad for Hoodie

e.$wan y?

gr33n!E:  he's been all day up and down getting things for my weird cravings and insatiable appetite

e.$wan awe :3

gr33n!E:  shuddup

e.$wan hmm... Insatiable appetite? 😏😉

gr33n!E:  SHUDDUP!!! 😡

e.$wan 😂😂😂

gr33n!E:  I hate u

e.$wan no u don't 😋

e.$wan that's what you get by waking me up at two AM with a zombie apocalypse theme song

e.$wan has left chat

gr33n!E:  dis bitch

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