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e.$wan started a group chat

e.$wan: hey guys!!!

mO0n_ch1Ld: hi Ems! :D

i.L0V3.b00ks: Wait. Who's in this chat?

wh!te_pr!nce$$: I'm in.

leCharm: me too

TTB_H.M!LLS: me 3

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: Henry!

TTB_H.M!LLS: yeah mom?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: where are you?

TTB_H.M!LLS: @ granny's

mO0n_ch1Ld: dont worry Regina, he's fine.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I thought you were down stairs...?

mO0n_ch1Ld: yeah go ahead, ignore me completely.

wh!te_pr!nce$$: lol

TTB_H.M!LLS: yeah but I left coz u were being to loud.


wh!te_pr!nce$$: lol gina chill


wh!te_pr!nce$$: K

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: AND NEVER CALL ME "GINA".

TTB_H.M!LLS: mum calm down. I'm fine.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: okay.

TTB_H.M!LLS: grandma, grandpa? my mums r 2gether

wh!te_pr!nce$$: What?!

leCharm: WHAT?!?!

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN has logged off

TTB_H.M!LLS: lol

e.$wan: Henry, wth thats not true

TTB_H.M!LLS: yah it is. U & mom were making out... or whatevs tht u were doing... so I left.

wh!te_pr!nce$$ is typing...

leCharm is typing...

e.$wan: Henry ur grounded.

e.$wan has logged off.

TTB_H.M!LLS: lol

wh!te_pr!nce$$: well I was going to tell her something but she just logged off so...

leCharm: yeah, me too.

wh!te_pr!nce$$: hey henry, u still @ granny's???

TTB_H.M!LLS: yup :)

wh!te_pr!nce$$: k, I'm omw.

TTB_H.M!LLS has logged off.

i.L0V3.b00ks: wait, so Regina and Emma are together?

mO0n_ch1Ld: apparently...

wh!te_pr!nce$$: I dont want them to be together tho.

mO0n_ch1Ld: lol y?

wh!te_pr!nce$$: what would you feel if u knew that your evil stepmother is dating your daughter?

mO0n_ch1Ld: idk... I dont have an evil stepmother or a daughter so...

i.L0V3.b00ks: Ruby's gotta point.

wh!te_pr!nce$$: it's just so messed up!

leCharm: I agree.

mO0n_ch1Ld: Snow, I ate my bf u know that and that is messed up.

i.L0V3.b00ks: yeah n I'm in love with the dark one so...

wh!te_pr!nce$$: Belle, no offense. Ur lovely and all, but ur not my daughter.

mO0n_ch1Ld: lol Snow that was so mean.

leCharm: it's not the same.

wh!te_pr!nce$$: see? Charming understands me.

mO0n_ch1Ld: HE'S UR HUSBAND!!!

i.L0V3.b00ks: yeh... and dont worry Snow... I know it's not the same but it is to some extent. I saw the light in his heart that nobody saw beyond the darkness. Probably Emma sees that in Regina. And she's Henry's mum too so...

mO0n_ch1Ld: wow Belle that was so beautiful I could kiss you :')

i.L0V3.b00ks: lol no... but yeah

leCharm: ...
wh!te_pr!nce$$: ...

wh!te_pr!nce$$: yeeeaaahh... wtvr

wh!te_pr!nce$$ has logged off.

leCharm: I just dont like the idea of Regina taking some liberties with my daughter.

mO0n_ch1Ld: lol it's probs too late for that

leCharm has logged off.

i.L0V3.b00ks: lol Rubes xD

mO0n_ch1Ld: :D

mO0n_ch1Ld: hey would u like to get a burger?

i.L0V3.b00ks: yeah sure :)

mO0n_ch1Ld: k see u soon ;)


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