Private Chat 15

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®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: do you have plans tonight, dear?

e.$wan: no, unless you want me to show up then I'll be busy all night 😉

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: no no. It's just that tonight I'm free and well... I'll be having dinner with Robin tonight

e.$wan: oh uh... Ok I guess

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: honey it's just dinner

e.$wan: yeah yeah I know just... Just be safe and uh... Where r u going exactly?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: to an Italian restaurant in the outskirts of town

e.$wan: oooh...

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: why?

e.$wan: um... Would you bring me something from there?

e.$wan: (•ω•)

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: sure thing, Swan :)

e.$wan: :3

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: well, I have to go. See you later, sweetheart 😘

e.$wan: see ya 😚 💓

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN has left chat

{In another chat}

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: Robin

®h0oD: hi Regina :)

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I'm already on my way. Where are you?

®h0oD: I'm at the restaurant

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: alright, I'll see you in a few

®h0oD: can't wait :)

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: :)

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN has logged off

{Later that night back to our ladies}

e.$wan: Regina?

e.$wan: well I guess your still having dinner...




e.$wan: or not

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: sorry I just got home and took a shower right away

e.$wan: everything's good?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: eh... Not really

e.$wan: and...?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: well he apologized and said what I wanted to hear from him but I'm still kind of pissed... And he kept on with the soulmate thing and that he wants me back and whatever

e.$wan: oh...

e.$wan: do you want me to beat him up?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: lol no

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: maybe some other time. I'll have to find a really good pretext.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: Emma

e.$wan: yeah

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: have you... seen my mother?

e.$wan: no... why?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I... I think she left

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: we fought and I said... stuff to her and I feel so bad now

e.$wan: oh... Well idk... I think you should give her time... maybe she went to Granny's after all

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I hope so... I know that I'm mostly pissed at her and that I barely stand her but I do love her

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I love her so much

e.$wan: Regina, relax ok? You guys will work it out, I'm sure

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: I hope so

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: sweety

e.$wan: hmm?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: are you too busy now?

e.$wan: Regina, it's nearly midnight. I have nothing to do at this hour but sleep

e.$wan: or try

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: do you know how many times had been midnight and you've been really busy?

e.$wan: erm... Yeah but I wasn't alone at those times

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: well then come here, I brought something for you

e.$wan: what is it? :D

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: fettuccine Alfredo and chicken breast

e.$wan: :3

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: it also has bacon bits

e.$wan: asdfghjklkjhgfdsa

e.$wan: gimmie

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: come and get it ;)

e.$wan: yes Mistress

e.$wan has logged off

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: good girl

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