Log 4

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wh!te_pr!nce$$:  any body know if Regina found out who the mystery person was?

e.$wan:  she wouldn't tell, she'd been ignoring my texts... And me.

mO0n_ch1Ld oooohhh so you've been texting the mayor huh?

e.$wan:  you want me to kick you out again?

leCharm: can't you guys work out ur issues on a private chat?  Our priority now is to figure out who's been stalking Regina.

wh!te_pr!nce$$:  since when ur so interested?  It's not that it bothers me but it's odd...

leCharm tell u later

leCharm: anyway, the number is unknown, and this person got Regina's number...

e.$wan gotta be someone who knows his or her ways with technology.

e.$wan fuck

wh!te_pr!nce$$:  Emma!!!  Language!!!

mO0n_ch1Ld:  did u figure it out Em?


wh!te_pr!nce$$:  watch your mouth young lady!!!

e.$wan mom, please.  I'm 33

wh!te_pr!nce$$:  I don't care.

e.$wan:  -.-  anyway...  It makes sense that this person might be Sidney.

leCharm but... Isn't he trapped in a mirror?

e.$wan:  idk.  Hey mom

wh!te_pr!nce$$:  yah

e.$wan who's Daniel?  Dad said u mentioned him b4 but when dad asked u logged off...

wh!te_pr!nce$$:  ....

wh!te_pr!nce$$: he... Was Regina's first love.

wh!te_pr!nce$$ has logged off

mO0n_ch1Ld:  now everything makes sense.

e.$wan what makes sense?

mO0n_ch1Ld: why Regina hated Snow.

leCharm why?

mO0n_ch1Ld: Snow had a mayor crush on Daniel and Regina got upset.

e.$wan lol

leCharm that's nonsense.

mO0n_ch1Ld: just bcs she's ur wife doesn't mean that she didn't had the right to have a crush on someone else!!!

leCharm that's not it Rubes,  Snow was 12 when she met Regina.

e.$wan and u know this???

leCharm Snow told me.  But she'll never tell me y Regina hated her... I guess I'll never know.

mO0n_ch1Ld: I'm slightly dissapointed :(

e.$wan:  why?

mO0n_ch1Ldit would've been a great story :(  how Snow had that crush on that boy, how Regina felt utterly betrayed and everything else that happened.  He must've been cute, she has good taste w/ guys I'll give her that.  Srry Emma.

e.$wan:  y u apologizing?

mO0n_ch1Ld: cuz u ain't a guy but u still w/ Reggie

e.$wan:  Ruby I swear...

leCharmok guys knock it off or I'll kick u both out of this chat.

e.$wan:  ...

mO0n_ch1Ld: ...

leCharm:  besides, Snow said that Daniel is dead so...

mO0n_ch1Ld: that's it!!! :D


mO0n_ch1Ld: Snow killed Daniel!  :D

e.$wanshe was fucking 12!!! Besides, y would she do that?  She wouldn't kill anybody just because.  U know her Rubes

mO0n_ch1Ld: hey I'm trying to make a story and u ruining my plot. It's flawless, check it out!!!

mO0n_ch1Ld: Snow meets Regina and she likes her.  Then she meets Daniel and sees how cute he is and she feels jealous cuz he likes Reggie and not her so when she's old enough she wants him but he loves Regina so she thought that if she can't have him nobody cant so she killed him.  The End :D

e.$wanthat's the shittiest story I've ever heard.

mO0n_ch1Ld: :'(

e.$wanand u make it look like a creepy horror story with that smiling face at the end.

leCharmwhat's really scary it's your enthusiasm, Ruby.

mO0n_ch1Ld: but it'll be an amazing story :(  imagine how ppl would react to a slightly different version of Snow White...


mO0n_ch1Ld:  -__-


mO0n_ch1Ld:  yah?

leCharm:  r u on magical mushrooms?

mO0n_ch1Ld has logged off

e.$wan:  I guess she was lol xD

leCharmanyway, wat r we going to do with Reggie's case?

e.$wanomg dad don't


e.$wanif Regina ever discovers that u guys call her Reggie behind her back, she's gonna fucking kill u.

leCharmtell me what r we going to do with her case then?

e.$wanI'll go talk to her... Whether she wants to see me or not.

leCharmok... And Emma?


leCharmwhether or not ur with Regina... I just want u to be happy.

e.$wan:  oh... er... Thanks I guess

e.$wan has ended chat

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