Private Chat 24

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®h0oD has invited ®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN to a private chat

®h0oD:  hi Regina

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNRobin!  Is everything alright?

®h0oDyeah everything's good.  I just wanted to tell you something.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNum... Can we continue this later?  I'm a little busy now setting the table for dinner.

®h0oDoh well I was actually going to apologize for not being able to attend

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNoh, don't worry.  I understand that you and your Merry Men have your own traditions.

®h0oDyeah... I wanted Roland to experience this

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNI agree

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNhold on

[Two hours later]

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eNsorry, this family can be quite... Well I think you can imagine.

®h0oDI may have an idea 😊

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN you know... I think you and Roland might want to come over for New Years.

®h0oD:  oh!  You're... really inviting us?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN well yes, I am.  Look, you're the father of Zelena's baby and you should be by her side.

®h0oD:  Regina, I'm sorry for what I did.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN Robin...

®h0oD:  I know I fucked up and my poor excuse is that I didn't know that my dead wife was actually your sister.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN we slept together while you were still married, I don't think that should be considered correct either

®h0oD:  I know, but I loved you.  And I still do but I wanted to tell you, ah...

®h0oD:  I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me I want you to know that you have my support.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN thank you.  It really means a lot to me.

®h0oD:  I know I've been pretty annoying about the"soulmate" thing, and that we belong together but you and I both know that what we have can never be compared to what you and Emma had since the beginning.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN I don't understand what or why you're saying this.

®h0oD:  I've seen how the two of you make magic, is beyond powerful.  I may not know much about the subject but, you really think that your magic combined is so powerful because Emma's the Savior and you the most powerful sorceress ever known?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN well... Yeah, we always thought that.

®h0oD:  from the little I know of magic, I know that true love is the most powerful magic of all.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN you're not mistaken

®h0oD:  and one never seen anything more powerful than your magic combined.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN you really think that's why?

®h0oD:  I've been thinking about it Regina, and it's quite logical if you ask me.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN and may I ask why were you thinking about this?

®h0oD:  I was thinking of what we had, and if there was something that I should've done before to make the best of it.  But I realized that we didn't had a chance.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN ...

®h0oD:  I'm not saying that I regret sharing moments with you.  I cherished what we had and it was wonderful, but I'm not what you deserve.  When I thought about you and Emma, I came to the conclusion that... Uh I don't know about you but I never felt anything "magical" when we were together.  If you know what I'm referring to.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN ... I'm even more confused now.

®h0oD:  what I'm saying is that if we were true loves we would've felt it.  Felt something beyond the butterflies in or bellies, something beyond the excitement of seeing each other, of being together.  Don't you think we should've felt a magical woosh or something?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN ... I suppose...

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN look I'm quite... Confused now so why don't we get back to what I wanted to tell you and talk about this later... in person?

®h0oD:  uh yeah sure... err sorry.  What were you saying?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN let me see

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN oh right.  That you should stick by Zelena.

®h0oD:  oh

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN I know you don't like her for what she did.  I don't like her either but she's my sister and I don't think that she should be spending the holidays alone.  I know she's spends them with us but she's carrying your child and it's your responsibility, you should be by her side.

®h0oD:  I know it's just that... I was planning for her to stay with me I'm the holidays but she'd be stuck with me and the Merry Men and I figured she might feel out of place so I thought I could be better for her to spend it with her family.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN you're family too, you're giving me a niece :)

®h0oD:  yeah well... Roland and I will come over for New Years :)

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN good.  See you then

®h0oD:  Merry Christmas, Regina.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN Merry Christmas, Robin

®h0oD has ended chat

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