36~ The Great Explosion

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I stand on the inside of the camp, gun loaded, spear and knives at the ready. I know the Grounders are bound to push through those gates at one point. More and more people begin pouring into camp as they realize we are no match for the Grounders. I still haven't seen Bellamy yet, which worries me. 

Suddenly the gate of the camp begins cracking. Loud BANG BANG BANG's come from outside, which tells me the Grounders are hitting against it, trying to break it down.

It works. The gate shatters and the Grounders being sprinting into the camp.

I reach down to the radio in my waistband and begin screaming "They've broken through! There's hundreds of them!"

Clarke comes through on the radio. "We need more time! Stay at your posts! Fight!" 

"Clarke, I don't know if that's possible." I warn. 

"Just...try!" Clarke yells.

The Grounder's finally meet me. One of them comes full force at me with a spear. I match my spear to his, knocking his out of his hands and stabbing him through the chest. The next one comes at me with a knife. I use three bullets to take him down. Another one comes at me with a bow and arrow. I luckily dive down onto the ground, the arrows missing me by inches. I use four more bullets to bring him down. 

A bright light suddenly lights up the night sky, distracting everyone on the ground. 

"It's the Ark." I mumble before my gaze goes back down onto the Grounders that now has me tackled to the ground. A knife is now at my throat, being pushed further and further. Both of my hands are on the Grounders wrist, using all my strength to push against him. 

In the distance I can hear Clarke screaming, "EVERYBODY INSIDE! NOW!" 

The knife inches further, drawing blood from my throat. I found myself whirling around and falling down and down. My life memories were spinning around me, flashing like thousands of brilliant pictures with bright cascading colors like a thousand tiny kaleidoscopes.. Bellamy's face became clearer as his head floated around me, telling me how much he loved me. 

Then, suddenly, I was back to reality and the dead Grounder lay beside me as Bellamy stood above me with a bloodied spear in his hand. 

"Tatum, go! Get in the drop ship!" Bellamy yells picking me off the ground and shoving me towards the drop ship.

"I'm not leaving you!" I yell as I see Bellamy turning to fight probably the biggest Grounder I had ever seen. 

"Tatum! Let's go!" Jasper runs out towards me and grabs my shoulders, pulling me backwards. 

"BELLAMY!" I scream out as Jasper pulls with all his might. "No!" I scream, tears flooding down my face. 

The last thing I remember seeing of Bellamy is the Grounder on top of him. Jasper throws me into the drop ship, my back hitting the metal floor with a BANG! 

"NO!" I scream running towards the closing door. The drop ship door closes. "No, no, no, no." I mumble, dropping to my knees. 

"Jasper, do it." Clarke commands. 

Jasper pushes a red button, blasting the drop ship's rocket, incinerating the Grounder's and Bellamy.

"NOOOO!" I scream out, banging my fists against the ground of the drop ship. In that moment it hurt to do everything. It hurt to cry. It hurt to breath. It hurt to stand. It hurt to live. Jasper was immediately hugging me. "Get off me!" I yell, throwing him off of me. 


The drop ship door slowly creaks down as the survivors walk out onto the now...graveyard. I look out onto the ground and see ashes and skeletons. The yearning feeling that one of those skeletons is Bellamy, crushes me inside. 

All of a sudden, as I'm scavenging around look for Bellamy's skeleton or ashes, red smoke bombs come crashing down on us. The last thing I see is several men in gas masks and military outfits with laser-sighted rifles enter the camp and a man pointing his gun at me.

Then everything went black.


And that's the end! I'm working on the sequel now! Leave comments down below on what you think about how this story ended!

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