33~ Getting Home

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I'm running, ruthlessly, my feet tripping out from under me every so often. I stop for a second, locking in my surroundings. To my right is the river where the Giant Mutant Snake lives. Wait...I know where I am. If I keep running east I should come upon camp. 


I see it. I don't know if it's me hallucinating or not but the tiny circles of light, our campfire, is growing larger with every step I take. I'm almost there. Until, I remember what Bellamy and I were talking about when I was on watch yesterday. The land mines. I slowly look down at my feet as I stand, frozen, in spot. There could be land mines everywhere. 

"I see one!" I hear a voice yell from the watch post at camp. "It's a Grounder!"

I dive behind a tree faster than I thought I would have. The loud bangs of the gun being fired explodes in my ears as I visibly see the bullets skim past the tree. 

"He's behind the tree!" The voice says again.

"No!" I try yelling, but my voice only comes out hoarsely from my exhaustion. I don't move. I know for a fact that if I move out from behind this tree I'd be dead within seconds. I press my back hard against the tree. "Bellamy!" I yell out, hoping that maybe he could hear me. "BELLamy!" My voice slowly starts coming back again. "BELLAMY!" 

"Hold your fire!" I hear his voice say. "Don't shoot!" Bellamy yells. I hear the crunching of leaves as many people approach the tree I'm crouched behind. 

"Bellamy, it's me." I say, my voice weak. 

Bellamy turns the corner of the tree and relief immediately takes his stature. "Thank God." He sighs, dropping to his knees and embracing me. I try my best to hug back, but the blood running down my head and my inability to run anymore is working against me. "What happened to you?" Bellamy asks concerningly.

"I-I was captured." I sigh out. "I got out."

Bellamy couldn't help but smile. "That's my girl."

I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat as he called me 'his girl'. 

"Let's get you back into camp." Bellamy says, picking me up bridal style. "Everyone! Take your guns off safety and form a circle around me as we walk back to camp."

"Bell, are Finn and Clarke back?" I ask, desperately.

"No, we haven't seen them." Bellamy replies. "What happened to Myles?"

"He didn't make it." I sigh, barring my face in his chest as he walks me back into camp.

Bellamy walks me straight into the drop ship, placing me down in a chair and handing me a cup of water. "Drink all of it." Bellamy says. He didn't have to tell me twice. I downed the thing within seconds. 

"Myles?" My breath hitches in my throat as Myles comes stumbling into the drop ship. "I thought-" 

"I was dead?" Myles struggles out. "After you left me to die?"

"I tried to stay-" I begin.

"No! You didn't!" Myles attacks.

"Yes! I did!" I yell back, standing up. "Finn wanted to leave. Then the Grounders came."

"That's enough, Myles!" Bellamy yells, shoving Myles down in a sitting position in a corner of the drop ship. "Just stay there."

"We sure as hell are going out there to find Clarke, Finn and Monty." Jasper bombards running into the drop ship. 

"We can't." I reply, walking over to Bellamy and him. "The Grounders are everywhere. We'll all die within seconds if we leave the walls of this camp."

"If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke, or Finn would hide behind these walls? No." Jasper fires back.

"It was me, Jasper. I escaped by the skin on my teeth. I have no idea where Finn, Clarke or Monty are but I do know one thing. We're outnumbered...and by a lot." I say, looking between Jasper and Bellamy.

"They'd go after me." Jasper says. 

"Then they'd be dead too." Bellamy replies.

"It's funny, you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing." Jasper snares then turns to walk out of the ship. 

"Where're you going?" I yell, running out of the drop ship after him. 

"More gunpowder for the minefield." Jasper replies not turning around at me, before continuing to walk to Raven's tent. 

I turn and see Bellamy walking out of the drop ship carrying the water pail. "Myles needs more water." 

I nod and walk with Bellamy to the water ben in the middle of camp. "What're we going to do about Clarke, Finn and Monty?"

"We can't do anything." Bellamy replies. "They'll just have to find their way back."

I grab the water pail and dip it into the water ben. "Bellamy, it's nearly impossible. I did it and I know how hard it is." 

"I know, but we don't have another choice." 

I take the pail and walk back into the drop ship, leaving Bellamy outside to tend to the gunpowder. The sight before me makes a slight scream escape from my lips. I drop the water pail and it clanks to the floor. Standing before me is Murphy holding a plastic bag over Myles' face, suffocating him. 

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