20~ Rock Cave

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We have been following the Grounder for close to an hour now. He's running and with his height and long legs, he's very hard to keep up with. Somehow we manage to keep up with him and finally we see him turn into a cave looking thing. He ducks under the cold rock and disappears from sight. Immediately Bellamy ducks under the cave, right behind the Grounder. I groan internally before ducking under as well, holding my knife in my hand a little tighter. 

The cave is almost like a long hallway. The rock has grass and moss all over it, shutting any kind of daylight out the place could possibly get. Suddenly the long straight pathway curves and opens up to a small circular room.

Lying on the ground is the Grounder, knocked out. Octavia is in the back corner, struggling to get the chains off of her. Bellamy lurches forward and takes Octavia in his arms. 

Octavia visibly jumps, not knowing we were behind her. "How did you find me?"

"Followed him." I answered, nodding towards the knocked out Grounder.

"We should go, now." Finn says. "Before he wakes up."

"He's not gonna wake up." Bellamy says, standing from his crouched down position, holding a knife closely.

"Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me." Octavia says, standing in between Bellamy and the Grounder.

"Let's just go." I say walking over towards Bellamy and grabbing his arm.

"Cool," Finn gasps. "Foghorn." He moves over towards the Grounder's belonging and picks up a curved piece of bone.

"Finn.." I say warningly.

Everything after the word I said happened faster than my mind could comprehend. The Grounder, who we thought was knocked out, jumps up, stabbing Finn in the abdomen. Suddenly the Grounder is on top of Bellamy, pinning him to the ground. 

My instincts kick in and I grab my knife, plunging it into the Grounder's leg. The Grounder groans in pain and looks at me with anger bleeding in his eyes. He jumps off of Bellamy and is now on top of me, ready to kill.  

I struggle trying to keep the knife he has away from my throat.

"Please! Don't hurt her!" Octavia begs. "She's my friend!" 

The knife inches closer and closer to my neck. 

"Aah!" I scream trying hard to push his arms away. 

"Please!" Octavia screams. 

I see Jasper out of the corner of my eye, grab something very large. He swings it and hits the Grounder right in the head, knocking him clean out. The Grounder slumps on the ground, off of me. 

I stay still for a moment, trying to catch my breath. Bellamy rushes to me.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asks with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say grabbing his hand to help me stand up.

Bellamy pulls me up on my feet and I stare at my surroundings. 

"Finn." I gasp as I see him lying on the ground, unconscious from the blood loss. "We need to get him back to camp."

Jasper walks over and grabs the handle on the knife, ready to pull it out.

"No!" Bellamy yells. "If you take the knife out, he'll lose more blood."

Jasper's hand freezes and immediately lets go of the knife.

"We need to go..now." I say, looking around at everyone.

My eyes darken as I look at the Grounder laying on the floor of the cave. 

"Bring him." I command, looking at Bellamy.


As the entrance to camp begins getting bigger my yells become more and more desperate.

"Clarke!" I yell as we enter camp, all of us carrying Finn. "Where's Clarke?" I ask.

"Get Clarke now!" Jasper yells.

"I'm here." Clarke breathes running up to us. "What's going on-"

"Finn." I say, looking down at the injury.

"Finn, oh my god." Clarke gasps.

"Oh my god." Raven yells, tears forming in her eyes.

Clarke runs up and checks Finn's pulse. "He's alive." She confirms.

"Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper says.

"That was a good call." Clarke says glancing at Bellamy.

"Get him in the drop ship." Clarke yells.

Our group trudges forward, carrying Finn with us.

We place Finn on a metal table on the first floor of the drop ship and Octavia runs off to find some moonshine Monty made to disinfect Clarke's hands. 

I place my hand on Bellamy's fore arm and tug a little towards the drop ship's door. 

We start walking out of the drop ship. 

"Tatum!" Clarke yells after me. "Where are you going? I need you in here!" 

"I'll be right back!" I yell to her before Bellamy and I make a run for it. The second our bodies enter outside the wet drops begin splattering down on us. 

"Geez." I say looking up at the sky. "There's gonna be a huge storm." I mumble as we continue running for the outside gates. 

"Drew, Miller." Bellamy commands towards two of the guys working near the meat house. "Follow us."

All four of us run out of the gates towards a large oak tree. There, tied around the tree securely, is the Grounder. 

"Untie him." I say looking at Miller.

"Me?" Miller asks. 

"Do it." Bellamy growls. 

Miller reaches down and unties the ropes. 

Bellamy and Drew immediately go for the Grounder, even though he's still unconscious. 

"We need to get him inside somewhere." I say. "The rain's getting harder."

"Get him to the drop ship." Bellamy says.

"But everyone's in there." Miller argues.

"There's no where else to put him." Drew argues back. 

"Just go." I yell. The two stop fighting and trudge forward, dragging the Grounder along with them.

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