32~ The Cage

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I awake. My eyes droop heavily as I look at my surroundings. It's a cage. A rather large one though. It looks to be underground as well. 

"You're awake." A voice calls from the darkest corner of the cage. 

"Who are you?" I force out. 

"No one." The figure emerges from the depths of the cage and into the little ray of moonlight coming from the cage door at the top. 

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Me?" The Grounder laughs. "I don't want anything. It's Anya who wants something."

"What does Anya want?" I ask, my voice becoming clearer. 

"Your power." The Grounder answers.

"What?" I ask, pushing myself up slightly. "My power?"

"There's a mythical legend that if you kill someone, important, you receive there strength and power." The Grounder explains.

"But...I'm not important."

"Oh, yes you are." 

"How?" I cough out.

"You see, Anya doesn't want your power. She wants someone very close to you's power."

"Who would that be?" I ask, a hint of sarcasm coming out.

"We've been watching you." The Grounder replies. "And we've noticed a sort of...relationship, shall I say, between you and that muscular leader of yours. Bell-a-my, I believe his name is." The Grounder pronounces each syllable of Bellamy's name.

"Why do you think killing me will get you to Bellamy?" I attack.

"Because, once he knows you're here, he'll come after you. Giving us the perfect...opportunity."

My heart drops. He's right. Once the word gets out that I'm being held captive by the Grounders, Bellamy will surely come looking for me. I have to warn him. I have to tell him not to come. But how? How do I get out of here? Where's Clarke and Finn? I have to get out.

The Grounder gives up slightly and sulks back over to his dark corner, taking a seat. I see my opportunity arise as the Grounder begins to slightly fall asleep. My left ankle is chained up to the wall. I see the key dangling from the Grounders waistband. Shit! The chain doesn't reach that far.

I glance around at the ground. Since the cage is underground, the ground is nothing but rough soil and rock. Rock. That's it. 

I run my hand briskly over the surface of the ground and finally find a sharp enough rock. My eyes never leave the Grounder, making sure that he doesn't wake up. I pick the rock up off the ground and twist my body slightly, my eyes still on the Grounder. I put the sharpest end of the rock on the chain, I lift the rock and slam it down on the chain. 


I cringe. The chain doesn't break. The Grounder shifts slightly in his sleep.

I lift my hand again and slam the rock down on the same place on the chain. 


The chain doesn't budge. But half of it breaks away with the rock. I'm almost there. 

I lift the chain once again and slam it, harder than before, down onto the chain and with a CHING! the chain breaks loose. 

I stand, slowly, walking towards the door that is exactly over my head. There's about a good five to six feet from the top of my head to the door's latch. I look around for something to stand on but there's nothing. I decide to take my chances and jump. Just as my feet leave the ground and my arms extend outwards to grab the latch the leftover pieces of the chain that are still wrapped around my ankle make a CHING CHING CHING noise. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" The Grounder yells, jumping from his, what used to be sleeping spot. He runs towards me, his arms open, ready to tackle me to the ground. 

I got myself ready, I know there's no where to run. I brace myself. 

He tackles me. A big heavy blow throwing me backwards and onto the ground. My back hits the soil first, my head following it. 

"I guess we can't wait on Anya." The Grounder smirks snatching a knife from his waistband and shoving it to my neck. I thrust my arms out, grabbing his wrist and pushing, with all my power, against him. My strength is no match for the Grounders. Soon I see the knife, that used to be immobile, start nearing closer and closer to my neck. 

Shit! I have to do something. I soon realize that my right arm is free. I reach up to the Grounder's neck and push into his skin three inches from the collarbone. The Grounders lets out a loud scream as his hand straightens out and the knife falls to the ground. I hold the acupuncture point and shove him over, so that now I'm on top of him. I lean over, grab the knife and slice the Grounder's neck open. 

The Grounder lets out a few coughs, blood pouring from his neck and mouth, before going completely still. I drop the knife from my hand, letting it clang to the ground. I lift myself off of the Grounder and peer up to the door. Just because I killed the Grounder, doesn't solve the fact that I'm too short to reach the door. 

Suddenly, I have an idea. The most awful idea I think I've ever come up with. I walk over to the Grounder and grab the gear that's on his shoulder, dragging him across the soil. I use my legs to resist against the massive weight of the Grounder and eventually get him right under the door. 

"Sorry about this, bud." I mumble before stepping on the Grounder's chest and reaching my arms out for the door. I jump up, with all my might and shove against the door. The door swings open and I land back on the Grounder. I jump once again and grab the edges of the door. I look down and notice my legs dangling yards away from the ground of the cage. I use my nonexistent upper body strength and eventually pull myself out of the cage. 

And then I'm running.

Running for dear life through the forest, in God knows where direction. Who knows if I'm running towards camp or not, all I know is that I'm running away from the Grounders...weaponless.

Shameless ~ Bellamy BlakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant