27~ The Bridge

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*one day later*




The sound of knife against rock gives me so much pleasure it's unbelievable. Bellamy has told me so many times that I can stop making knives because we have guns now, but I can't help it. I love it. I'm on my sixth knife today, sharpening the blade so sharp it's almost invisible. 

I stop sharpening the knife and bring it up, examining it. After wiping it off, I was satisfied. I place the knife down next to the other five and go to grab supplies to make another one. 

"Tatum." Bellamy's voice calls from behind me. 

I turn to see him walking towards me. 

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Finn set up a meeting with the Grounders." Bellamy rambles.

"What?!" I yell.

"Shh!" Bellamy shushes me. "With only Clarke."

"I sure as hell hope we're going." I smart off.

"When do you think I'd miss this?" Bellamy smirks. "Get ready. Get your gun and as much ammo as possible."

I nod and we part. I walk into our tent, grabbing my rifle. I load the gun and put the safety on. 

I walk into Raven's tent where Jasper and her are sitting down, making bullets. Bellamy beat me here.

"Jasper, you're coming with us." Bellamy says.

"I am?" Jasper asks.

"You saved my life in the cave with the Grounder." I say.

"I mean, I hit him in the head." Jasper shrugs.

"Raven, we need as many bullets as you have." I say looking at the bullets already made on the table. "The ones that work." I point out.

"Why?" Raven asks. 

"Your boyfriend's being an idiot." Bellamy says.

Raven looks between me and Bellamy. "I'm coming with you."

"Give me this." I say snatching the bottle of moonshine from Jasper and taking a big hit of it. "Let's go."


I stand, crouched down behind a bush, beside Bellamy. Jasper and Raven are slightly to the right of us doing the same. My gun's safety is off as I watch Clarke and Finn, who has no idea we're here, greet the Grounder we captured and Octavia. I peer through the sight on the gun, watching every last move anyone makes. 

"Someone's coming." Bellamy whispers.

The Grounders,  three of them, arrive on horses. Carrying large spears and different sharp objects.

"I thought they agreed no weapons." I question.

"That's what Finn said." Bellamy says.

Clarke walks forward, in an attempt to greet the Grounders' leader. The woman on the horse in the middle climbs down, her brown hair fierce and darkened eyes hard.

Clarke sticks her hand out to shake it but the woman doesn't respond to the action.

The pair converse for a while. Not a light happy 'let's end the war and become friends' type of conversation but more like a 'I hate you and I want to kill you' conversation.

"Oh no." Jasper mumbles. We all turn to look at him. "This is bad." 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"Look at the trees." Jasper says.

I turn back to my gun and look through the sight. Up in the tops of every tree in sight are Grounders, pointing sharp weapons at Clarke.

"They're gonna shoot." I mumble.

Jasper seems to have gone in some kind of craziness because all the sudden he stands up and begins screaming, "Clarke! Run!" Jasper starts shooting at everything in the general area of the Grounders.

"Clarke, get down!" I yell, trying to refrain from shooting. "We need to run! Now!" I yell.

All four of us take off back into the woods. My feet hit the ground hard and I never let go of my rifle as I stay only a foot behind Bellamy. Arrows and spears rain down on us as we head full speed back to camp.

I didn't even realize I'd been hit until my right leg went completely numb.

"Bell!" I scream looking down at my leg. "Go!" I yell.

"No!" Bellamy yells running over to me and watching as the blood pours from the wound. "I'm not leaving you."

I take the end of the arrow and grasp it, ripping it out of my leg. "Agh!" I groan in pain. "I'm fine. Let's go!" I yell, standing back up.

Bellamy looks at me in astonishment and then looks back at the bloodied arrow lying on the ground. 

My run was in the form of a fast limp but I made it back to camp, with everyone else.

"You got anything to say!" Clarke screams at Bellamy.

"Yeah!" Finn joins in. "I told you no guns!"

"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right." Clarke fires back.

Raven turns to Finn. "Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?"

"You're damn lucky we brought guns!" I yell. "They were there to kill you, Finn."

"You don't know that!" Finn says, louder than I think even he anticipated.

Bellamy lets out a warning growl at Finn, and Finn visibly backs off.

"Jasper fired the first shot." Clarke points out. "You ruined everything!"

"I saved you!" Jasper gasps. "You're welcome."

"Well, we know one thing." I say. "If we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now."

Before my eyes an explosion sounds through the whole camp. Bellamy immediately shoves me behind him, protectingly.

"The Exodus ship?" Bellamy turns to Clarke. "You're moms early."

"Wait. Too fast." Clarke examines. The ship is hurtling towards Earth at a speed faster than light. "No parachute? Something's wrong."

The Exodus Ship flies over the camp, lighting it with a bright blinding light and hits the ground somewhere in the distance, shaking the ground.

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