35~ The War Begins

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"That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke says as she puts one last bandage on Raven's gun shot wound. Clarke, Raven, Finn, Bellamy and I all stand in the drop ship, packing up things.

"We got lucky." Raven groans. "If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there?" I ask. "Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build 100 bombs if we had any gunpowder left." Raven answers

"What about the Reapers?" Bellamy asks, turning Lincoln's journal that he'd been flipping through over to us. On the page is a drawing of three Reapers. "Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

"Not this enemy." Finn answers.

"We saw them." Clarke says. "Trust me, it's not an option." Clarke shuts the whole idea down.

"There's no time for this." I sigh, gathering up the rest of the medical supplies and throwing them in a bag. "We need to leave."

"Can she walk or not?" Bellamy asks.

"No." Clarke replies. "We have to carry her."

"The hell you will." Raven growls. "I'm good to go."

"That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle, there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there." Clarke says demandingly.

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn says, running out of the drop ship.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave." Bellamy calls after him.

"Bellamy, stop it." I say, trying my best to contain Bellamy.

"It's a 120-mile trek to the ocean. We need to leave now if we want to make it there before the Grounders." Clarke announces.

I load my gun, the satisfying CHICK of the bullets being digested by the gun's metal and the CLICK of the safety going off. 

"Ready?" I look over at Bellamy, who's copying my motions. 

Bellamy doesn't answer but walks over to stand beside me and we both begin walking for the gates of camp. Everyone is lined up, their guns loaded, knives and spears at the ready. 

"Let's go." Clarke yells. 

The gates are opened and the entire 100, or what's left of it, runs out, running for dear life...literally.


After marching for a good while, Octavia brings everyone to a stop.

"Why're we stopping?" Clarke asks aloud. 

Suddenly, before my eyes, a blade comes flying out through the trees and embeds in Drew's head.

"GROUNDERS!" Jasper screams. All the delinquents run in the opposite direction, back to camp. 

"Get behind the wall!" Finn yells as everyone piles back into camp. 

"Shut the gate!" Bellamy demands. 

The gate shuts with a CREAKKKK and everyone stays perched by the door, their guns at the ready.

"Why aren't they attacking?" I ask, looking through the sight of my gun.

"Because we're doing exactly what they want us to do." Clarke replies. "It's not safe for us to try and leave camp again. We need to stay...and fight back."

"Okay then, Gunners to your posts!" Bellamy shouts. "Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on the gates stay closed."

I hesitate. My post is with Jasper and on the opposite side of Bellamy's post. 

"Bell.." I start.

"Tatum, we'll be fine." Bellamy says, shoving his lips to mine. It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever.

Then we parted. And I didn't look back. I took my gun, determination in my eyes and ran through the tunnels, with Jasper at my heels.


Jasper and I stay perched in our foxhole. 

"Do you see anything?" I ask. 

"No." Jasper replies. "Do you think they're even coming?"

"Oh, they're coming. They just want us to think they're not."

"So...Bellamy..." Jasper smirks.

"What about Bellamy?" I ask, my eyes never leaving the woods.

"You two are so cute." Jasper chuckles.

I laugh. "Thanks."

"He's so in love with you too. It's like he treats you differently. As if you're the only person in the room." Jasper says, his eyes wondering around the woods.

I went to say something about how he was being weird, but something caught my vision. "Did you see that?" 

"See what?" 

"There!" I whisper as another figure goes running across the woods. I reach down and grab the radio that is sitting in between Jasper and I. "Bellamy? Are you there?"

"I'm here." Bellamy's voice comes through.

"We just saw them. Maybe three Grounders on this side." I announce. 

"Don't shoot!" Bellamy says. 

We freeze as the Grounders continue running horizontally across the forest. 

"They want us to shoot." I realize. "They want us to run out of ammo. We'll never hit them with them running horizontally." 

"Exactly." Bellamy agrees. "Don't shoot unless the Grounders are running directly at you."


It seems like hours have passed since the last time I talked to Bellamy. I should say something. No, that's too distracting. He needs to be focused. I need to be focused .

"Tatum, they're coming." Jasper says as calmly as a person can be when a Grounder army is attacking. 

I turn to look and see hundreds upon hundreds of Grounders, running at full speed towards our camp. 

"Get ready." I warn. 

Jasper begins firing, hitting everything possible in his path. 

I follow but am smarter with the way I use my bullets. A Grounder comes up and knocks Jasper down onto the ground. The Grounder starts choking Jasper. I try desperately to help him, but I'm constantly trying to defend myself as the Grounders just keep coming. 

Finally, I reach down and grab a spear, impaling the Grounder through the heart. The Grounder falls, dead, releasing Jasper. 

"Thanks." Jasper coughs, picking his gun back up to fight once again. 

"Jasper, we can't handle all of this alone." I yell, stabbing another Grounder and punching another on in the face. "We need to get inside the gates."

"Let's go!" Jasper yells, stabbing the Grounder that I punched in the face. We both turn, fleeing towards the tunnels and back into camp. We take off sprinting for the drop ship, just as we are about to enter, someone comes over the radio.

"Jasper we need you in the drop ship right now!" Clarke's voice yells. 

Jasper looks at me. 

"Go!" I yell shoving him forward. "I'll be fine."

"I'm not leaving you!" Jasper yells back, standing beside me. 

"Jasper, you may be our only hope at winning this war. Now, go!"

Jasper runs off to the bottom of the drop ship, hopefully attempting to work a miracle. 

Shameless ~ Bellamy BlakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat