The horror. My head is pounding like someone's smashing it over and over again. The migraine has been going, and still going, for the entire time I've been stressing over the vase.

"Fix...can'" I kept mumbling to myself. I don't really know why I keep muttering it, but I feel the need to do it. It needs to be fixed...but how?

How will I get it perfect without the cracks being seen? It's impossible! It'd take a miracle. Even if they weren't seen, the cracks would be felt! Ugh! Nothing can be done!

 I rolled over on my side and began sulking into the pillow. If she found out, I'd be dead. I need  it to be fixed. It  has to be. Otherwise, I'm done for. Without it, my room is incomplete, and a piece of her is gone with it.

"Why life...? What have I done?" I huffed. My voice is barely audible, but in a way I'm kind of glad. I didn't want to wake anyone in the house.

I sat up wiping my itchy eyes, probably red as blood. Ugh my hair is so uneven and messy! But I lack the energy to even just run a hand through it. Not that I would. It'd probably make it even worse than it already is.

My tired, sore eyes wandered around the room, stopping at the table where two thick books laid on top of one another. Picking them up, I realised it's the two stories that my dad has been wanting me to get into.

I sighed to myself, the air coming out in a croaky whispering sort of sound. Not at all attractive. I took the book on the legendary weapon Titan, and began reading as best as I could with the blurry vision that followed me around. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to read when I barely understood what each word was due to the tiredness, but I wasn't getting to sleep any time soon, and I needed some way to pass the time. maybe if I read, I'd be able to get to sleep.

After maybe half an hour of trying to make out words and sentences, I managed to find out that the weapon, Titan, doesn't have one form. Titan has many forms. If the meister wanted, the weapon could become a scythe, like Soul, a ninja blade like Tsubaki, or any of her forms, really. Or pistols like Liz and Patty. 

And yes. Pistol's

 A plural. 

From what I've managed to gather, the weapon can also become two weapons. Two pistol's, two swords, two whatever. 

And, the weapon was born before Arachne created weapons. I'd think that impossible, but then again, it's not all that impossible. It could be that the witch Arachne found the weapon and got the idea, thus creating more weapon like humans. 

From what I've uncovered, whoever obtains this weapon has every weapon at their disposal. This makes Titan a desirable weapon.

I flicked through the pictures of the forms the weapon took, and going through them, I have to wonder to myself how one might come across something like this. It'd have to be by complete chance. It's only thanks to the author that anyone even knows of Titan.

My eyes began getting irritated from having them open too long. I had to stop reading, or at least trying, and wait another day to read about Morgana.

I slumped back onto the couch cushions with an arm hanging over my eyes. The room was silent. Before, I had the comforting sounds of the pages turning, but now all I have is my own breathing, with the light glow coming from upstairs.



....light glow?

Patty and Liz aren't awake. I would have heard them. Patty can never keep quiet. Then again, my senses are so dulled I'm surprised I can still see. 

A Violation To Symmetry- Death The KidWhere stories live. Discover now