Chapter 16 Werewolf Phil?

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In the middle of the night Phil snuck into Dan's room and turned on the lights, he saw Dan sleeping soundly and he smiled. Phil quietly began searching for a spell book and quickly found one. He flipped the pages until he found the right spell the "blood moon curse"

It was supposed to make the spell caster take the role of the monster he/she casts the spell in making the monster human

It was the perfect plan

What you had to do was cut the monster and drink their blood saying"Acta Bela Dosa" before drinking it.

Phil got one of Lyra's surgical knifes,went over to Dan and began to slice his arm as he winced in pain

Then Phil began to say "Acta Bela Dosa"

As he bent down and began to feast on Dan's blood, Lyra walked in rubbing her eyes

"What's going on in here I saw the light turn on"

Lyra stopped for a moment until she saw what Phil was doing

She got wide eyed as she ran over to Phil and pried him away from Dan

"What are you doing?" She asked

Phil couldn't say anything he pulled back his head to show the blood coursing down his chin and his fangs turning into normal teeth.

Lyra walked over and saw the spell Phil used

She freaked out

"No, no, no Phil you can't just use this spell, your not meant to be a werewolf!"
she yelled as she ran over to Phil and she pulled Phil up and shook him senseless

"You idiot,you have no idea what you have done with the fabric of the universe"

She stopped shaking Phil as soon as she saw that he was unconscious, she slowly lowered him to the ground

"I've got to find a reversal cure before something bad happens"

Lyra ran over to the book and looked through it

"What happened"

Lyra looked up to see Dan sat up rubbing his head
"He what!" Dan yelled

It was morning time Dan and Lyra were sitting in her living room sipping on hot coffee

"He made you Human by turning himself into a werewolf " Lyra said

"Phil shouldn't be a werewolf so I could be human, that doesn't seem fair" Dan said

"Also he isn't meant to be a werewolf, he was born a vampire and has comes from thousands of years of Vlad Dracul blood, all that blood mixed in with werewolf Dna will eventually kill him"

Dan got wide eyed

"What are we going to do?" Dan asked

"I've been looking for a cure, but there is a small catch"

Dan looked at Lyra

"You have to go back to being a werewolf" Lyra said sighing

Dan looked outside the window as he put down his cup

"I'll do anything for my best friend even become a werewolf again"
"At least we'll both be able to become normal when we find this blue plant"

Lyra's eyebrow raised

"What blue plant?" She asked

"The reason why we came this way in the first place, to find a blue plant that should turn me and Phil human"

"Oh I know what blue plant your talking about, it's supposed to be this miracle plant that can change monsters to human, but I'm sad to say it won't work on Phil or you"

Dan frowned

"Why?" He asked

"You two were born monsters, it only works for people who have been bitten, also Phil's been a vampire for too long, so I definitely know it wouldn't on him"

Dan sighed

"I hate that we've came all this way for nothing"

Lyra put a hand on his shoulder

"Not quite, you know how Phil is the prince of Transylvania"

Dan nodded

"Well I've read in the newspaper that his brother Martyn had taken over the castle and is killing innocent people,Transylvania needs there King and you have to be the one to bring him there"
"But I want to make sure you don't tell him what's really going on, make him still believe he's trying to help you so he'll go home" Lyra said

"That's the reason Phil ran away from home, he didn't want to be king" Dan said

Lyra nodded

"But first we've got to deal with werewolf Phil"

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