Chapter 2: No interaction

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Prince Philip sat at the long dinner table with his mom, dad, and brother. He swirled his peas around as his brother spoke about his day of fencing, history, and algebra, which made the King and Queen very proud of their oldest son.

Phil, the youngest prince was annoyed at how his older brother got all the attention; he was good at fencing, too. Even though he wasn't good at written work, he made up for it in physical ability. Phil didn't look like it, but he was pretty strong and a great acrobat, but his parents still loved his brother more.

Their butler came around and poured O negative blood in each cup. King Lester grabbed his cup quickly and gulped it down. You could tell he was bloodthirsty. The rest of his family picked up their cups and drank the contents. Phil staring at the glass, shook his head.

"Oh come on Philly. You need to drink your blood," his mom said worriedly.

Phil crossed his arms. "But I hate the taste of the stuff."

The king stood up and hit the table. "Philip Michael Lester! You drink that blood this instant young man you need blood to survive and to become future king."

The King's yelling stopped Phil, the Queen, and his brother in their tracks.

"What do you mean future king?" his brother asked. "I thought I was going to be future king!"

The king ignored his oldest son and left the room followed by his wife.Phil looked up and saw his brother blazing with fury. He got up and punched the wall, which made Phil flinch. He saw that his brother left a hole.

"Why do you get to be future king? It's not fair; I'm the oldest," he said as he pointed a finger in Phil's face. He then ran out of the room but not before saying, "What kind of vampire won't drink blood? You're too weak to be king."

Phil was left all by himself. The only person who was with him was the goblin who was cleaning up the dining area.


Phil walked into his room, slammed the door, walked to his bed, and sat down. Then out of nowhere, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in," he said.

His mom came in with a tray of blood biscuits, the only blood-related thing Phil would eat. They were tiny French Macaroons with a blood filling inside. His mom set the tray down and sat next to her son. "I'm sorry for your father's irrational behavior."

Phil shook his head. "Does dad hate me?"

"No of course not. Why would you think that?"

Phil looked at his mom and said nothing, unsure of what to say. "Your father just wants you to become strong, and if you don't have enough blood, you could get sick and weak."

"I've been living off these cakes all my life, and I feel fine," Phil said as he grabbed one and took a bite.

"I know you have, but you've got to understand. As you get older your hunger will increase and these cakes won't be satisfying enough." Phil swallowed his pastry.

"Someday, you're going to want to have blood from the source."

Phil spit out his treat. "No! I would never hurt a human!"Phil yelled.

His mom shook her head. "By the way. I don't want to be king. So why doesn't dad let my brother do it? He seems right for the job," Phil asked.

"Your father wants a good king to take his place. One who will do what's right."

The Queen put a hand on his shoulder. "Your father sees great strength in you, mind and body. He also sees great leadership and power. Now your brother would be a capable king, but he will crack under pressure and do something stupid. Your brother has weakness in his heart."

"But what if I don't want to be king?" Phil asked sourly.

Queen Lester got up and headed for the door. "I'm sorry son. What your dad says goes." She then walked out the door.

Hey guys 🦁🦁🦁💜💜💜 thanks for reading the next chapter!
What will Phil do about being future king?
And will Dan's parents ever tell him about his depending doom?
Find out in the future. Bu-Bye💕

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