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Jude Christopher Brahm,

Do you remember that time that you took me to Texas and we almost got killed by fangirls?

I thought of that earlier when I was driving to work and your little sister called me. I know that I shouldn't expect Elaine to be over the teenage girl obsession with boy bands--and I don't, but it brought that weekend to mind.

~ ~ ~

We were in San Antonio to visit family. (Or you were, I just tagged along to see the Alamo.)

It was our last day before we flew back to North Carolina, and I wasn't ready to leave the city. It was something odd and wonderful after living my entire life in a small town.

However, we had unwittingly planned the visit--or adventure--in September, and on the very weekend that One Direction was performing in the Alamodome.

It was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me, even though I was entranced by everything.

There were teenage girls everywhere wearing Midnight Memories t-shirts, snapbacks with 1D on them, and everything in between. I think I counted at least fifty 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirts, too.

You were not overly impressed. But that might just be because they were a group of cute, British boys and I was not exactly tied down. (Though, that confuses me. Why were you scared? There were so many other people there that they wouldn't have noticed me, no matter how loud I screamed.)

Just kidding. I wouldn't have gone with them even if they had. And besides, that only happens in bad fanfiction.

The sidewalks were full of teenagers in band merch, their annoyed parents, loud friends, and everything else.

You and I were two tourists who had wandered into a dangerous place.

"They're not even that great," you said when we were eating lunch on the river walk.

I almost choked. "Are you sure that isn't just insecurity speaking?"

You laughed. "Alright, fine. They're pretty good. But I don't understand what all the fuss is about." You gestured to a group of hysterically giggling girls. "What have they done that would make so many girls go completely crazy?"

"Good genetics?" I chuckled, dipping a fry in ketchup. "Seriously, looks are seventy-five percent of the hype in every boy band situation."

"Oh, I see how it works." You looked down at your mostly empty plate, then, shrugging lazily, you picked up your root beer float and took a long sip. "Is the other twenty-five percent vocal talent?"

"The percentages vary. One Direction is actually pretty good on the talent level. They're all good singers, it's just that their faces are really... nice." I grinned at you, and you laughed. "That's why all of the girls are crazy over them."

You watched my face for a minute, chewing, and then you leaned back. "You know, we could probably end up with seats if I booked right now."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows, searching for sincerity, and when I found it, I ate another fry. "Why would you do that?"

"Don't you want to go? This might be your only chance to get to see then in person."

"I haven't heard all of their songs, I probably don't even qualify as a fan. Look at all of these people. They're insane. They'd trample us to death."

"You could ride on my shoulders. There might be a lot of them, but those girls are short. Or most of them. So." You studied me for a moment. "Do you want to go?"

Sincerely, Aurora [completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن