I was standing by the door, watching cody chase Vanessa. It's so adorable how they are like a real teenage couple. I adore my little sister.---

"Alright, I'm done!" Justin opened the door and brought me back down.

He was wearing a white button up with jeans! Jeans! It wasn't really a formal party but it was like a regular party. Kind of like a frat party I guess, you know how it's done in college. It was like that, no adults either well we all were practically adults but no like parents!-

"Ooooo Justin!!" Carly laughed.

Justin rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled like it was nothing. We walked to the beach to go get the other ones, it was getting a little dark.--- We went back inside and there was more people than when we left; Madison beer, zac efron, Miley and Noah Cyrus, and some more other people.

"You must be Justin's girlfriend?" Miley smiled at us.

"Nah, she's just a friend," Justin laughed, he greeted all his guest while I got introduced to them. I guess I was his real Bestie at the moment.

~~~~>Vanessa's POV<~~~~

When Justin called us back in we went half way until cody walked me towards the sunset on the shore line.

"We've never really had a talk like this before," cody put his arm around me as the winds blew the water.

His shirt was unbuttoned and his pants were rolled up, he was hot! It was a little too much to handle for my eyes.

"Yeah, I know. So..... Why'd you chose me out of all the other angels in the world?" I asked cody. I put my arms around his waist and we continued to walk on the shoreline.

"Well.. I can't really explain it, it was a little like love at first sight!" Cody draped his head onto mine.

"So you're in love with me?" I slightly giggled.

"I don't even know," Cody's voice got a little quieter.

I stopped walking and I went face to face with him.

"I love you cody!" I smiled in the dimmest light! His eyes reflected of the sunset and he looked at me dead in the eye.

"I love you too, Vanessa!" He told me, I went in for a hug but then he pulled me into a kiss. I didn't pull back, I just went with it. Cody's was so gentle and I felt him smile. We kissed one last time before the moon started to get brighter.

Cody walked me up the trail back to the house but before we went inside...

"Vanessa, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He held my hands and looked deep into my eyes. I felt people looking from the inside at us.

"Yes. Yes cody!" I gave him one last hug before we went inside and then everyone knew at that point. We were holding hands and smiling, I was literally so happy from that day on.

~~~~~Veronica's POV,~~~~~~~~

I saw Vanessa walk back in with cody, hand in hand. They were the cutest, cody was tall and Vanessa was tall. Yeah, she's taller than me....

She chose to dance and be a gymnast while I picked soccer and wrestling, which my growth got slow, but I was still taller than my mom(5'2) . I was 5'5 or 5'6. and Vanessa was 5'7 or 5'8 taking my dad, he was 5'10.

"I think they go out," justin whispered to me.

"Oh Justin, of course they do!" I nudged him playfully.

"Heyyyy," he giggled, one of the cutest things he did. I'm not even trying to hit on him, seriously though!

I love Austin, he was true and faithful! I think of Justin like a Bestfriend or older brother. He's just not someone who'd have time to date a fan, because they'd have to make time for him. As a singer like him, very busy, people can't make him change his schedule unless its serious. He might lose his career if I mess things up so I might as well just not go there.... I have Austin and Austin is the only guy I want! I don't even know why he didn't come, I told him Justin said it was okay but he said he had to go meet up with the label he signed to...any who.....--

"Lets do the cake!" fredo yelled as he brought a cake out with candles lit up.

We sang the birthday song and Justin blew his candles out. It was the most funniest thing because it was relighting candles and he just kept blowing and blowing, hilarious!

"Hey guys!!" Ariana grande walked in. She was so pretty. Justin greeted her and she gave him his present, awww!

We all went back to partying and then Justin introduced Ariana and I to each other.

"Ariana, this is my friend, Veronica!" Justin said and She took her hand out .

"You know this is my Bestie, ari!" Justin then said again, I shook her hand.

Ariana and I basically talked the whole night! It was one of the greatest nights because I also Got picture with the jenners, my faves.---Justin's party died at midnight and I helped him cleanup the house with Vanessa, we all chilled at his house after. I think the paps caught on that we are friends, just friends. I know they'll change it up thought -.-

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