Part 3 - Dark Alleys

Start from the beginning

Scyther stares into the Beedrills red eyes, weighing it up. She swings slowly into the air, staring her foe down, assessing her advantage. She bursts into motion as the Beedrill pulls back and rises into the air. They meet and her blades clash against its arms at blinding speed, sending shockwaves that ring through the air. The Beedrill is no novice.

The Machop instantly seizes Charmeleon, they lock hands and the battle of strength commences. Charmeleon growls, his arms being gradually pushed down by Machop's greater strength. Knowing he is outmatched, Charmeleon drops the grip and spins swinging his flaming tail around. Machop catches it and lashes out landing a terrible punch that knocks him to the ground.

I dive into Patchy before he can pull the ball free, knocking him to the ground to the sounds of the battle behind me. He swears as I pull myself atop him and grab his neck. I glance back to see Muscles with his back to the wall, pupils completely white to match Golduck's as she stands motionless and seizes his mind. I dive to the side in time to avoid a glittering blade. The leader screams as Goldduck leaps and rakes claws across her back, drowning out the whimpering of the muscle-bound man.

Scyther glances down to see the leader run at her master with a knife in hand. Panic rises in her, she returns her focus to the Beedrill. It dashes in for another desperate attack but she does something foolish. She sacrifices the advantage. Beedrill drives its drill in to her side through her thick carapace. During its momentary victory it drops its guard and she swings her blade through the air, severing its arm. The Beedrill reels back but she drives on, blood raining down from her wound, and finishes the Beedrill, severing its head with a double slash. Breathing heavy and sweating, her vision blurs. She spins and shoots back down to the chaos.

The Machop gives chase to Charmeleon, attempting to seize the advantage, but he rolls and jumps back to his feet. With a deep breath, Charmeleon's eyes flare red, his tail fire roaring briefly, and he spits a blazing fireball. Machop raises its hands to take the brunt of the flame. It screams as its hands sear and the skin burns away. Charmeleon maintains his attack and rushes the Machop head on, slashing with extended claws. The Machop blocks the blows taking deep gashes in its arms, its anger building. It screams in rage taking one of Charmeleon's strikes to the face and seizes his arms. With a bone-shattering kick, it drives the air from Charmeleon's lungs. Charmeleon struggles, but the enraged Machop pulls him in close and wraps him in a crushing embrace.

Patchy skitters away from me as I watch Golduck attack the leader with ferocity. He manages to pull his pokeball free and tosses it to the ground between us. I scramble to my feet and turn to see the leader now slashing wildly at Golduck, who hops backwards, leading her away. I chase after her as another burst of light flashes behind me. I barge into her back, causing her to fall forward and land hard onto the ground next to where Muscles whimpers, dropping her blade as she hits the clay. I dive for the knife where it's landed next to my struggling Charmeleon, grab the clammy, worn handle and drive the 6-inches of steel into Machops leg. It sinks to the hilt, dragging a terrible scream from the Machop.

Scyther lands on the hard clay beside Golduck as they both stare down the Sandslash. Patchy cackles confidently, standing behind the creature. She breathes heavily as a gentle fog clouds her mind, the blood loss slowly taking its toll. Golduck glances at her and stares in shock as she sees the deep wound. Sandslash bursts into motion, diving at them with razor sharp claws. Scyther knocks Golduck aside and intercepts. Their claws meet in furious blows. Scyther's limbs feel sluggish, she tries to dodge but claws rake across her arm cutting cleanly through her carapace and knocking her to the floor. Standing above her, Golduck sweats profusely, her claws stretched out to the sides, her pupils flashing white as she draws what little moisture hangs in the air around her. She screams as she blasts a sharp torrent into the Sandslash, ripping it from its feet and sending it sprawling through the air.

The Machop screams, dropping Charmeleon as it reaches for the dagger embedded in its leg. Charmeleon spins and lands a vicious blow to its head with his powerful tail, slamming the Machop to the ground. He dives atop it, pins its arms and legs down, and takes in a deep burning breath. He holds the fire within, his skin beginning to glow and his tail flame growing white-hot. In an explosive powerful burst, his flme tears through the Machops chest, leaving a searing hole.

I turn on my side and see a small stream of blood crawling from beneath the Leader's head. A sharp pain flares in my back, tearing a pained grunt from me as Patchy pulls back for another kick. I roll to the side, the pain coursing through me despite adrenaline flooding every muscle. Patchy gives chase as I climb to my feet. He throws a wild swing, which I block easily and deliver a solid uppercut to his chin. It knocks him to the ground as an intense wave of heat blasts across us. He staggers to his feet again, looking dazed. He's finished, he's just too stupid to realise it. I ignore the pain in my back and rush in. He swings again but he's even sloppier this time. I grunt in pain as I deliver a solid hook to his jaw, feeling the knuckles in my hand creak. Patchy drops out cold.

The Sandslash bursts from the ground behind Golduck as she helps Scyther to her feet. It slashes its claws toward them but Scyther steps forward taking the full force of the blow. Scyther slams to the floor, her body limp. Golduck screams as she leaps forward and rakes her claws up the Sandslash's soft torso, leaving trailling lines of blood. She drives her claws forward with her fingers extended in a rapid strike and pierces deeply into the Sandslash's neck. It drops to the ground, finished.

I glance around and see the aftermath. Charmeleon stands above a smoking corpse, breathing heavily. The Leader lies peacefully on the clay, her chest slowly moving in shallow breaths. Patchy snores uncomfortably--it sounds like his tongue is falling back into his airway. Golduck stands above the Sandslash, staring down morosely and bathed in crimson. Scyther lies behind her on the ground...


I run over to where she lies in a pool of her blood, Charmeleon at my back while Golduck stares down at her. I lift her body, soaking wet in hot blood, and roll her onto her back. She isn't breathing. I place my ear to her face, listening for anything. Any sign. No, not you Scy. Please, not you. I pull her close to me and embrace her fiercely. Come on. Please... please. I take her pokeball from my belt and in a final effort, try to call her back. Nothing happens.

I drop the ball, worth a thousand fortunes but worthless to me now. I gently take her into my arms again, my oldest friend, and weep. Golduck and Charmeleon hold onto me, I hear their tears patter on my duster.

It should never have come to this. I should never have come to this place.

My tears fall and coalesce with the blood as I carefully place her on the ground. The sadness swallows me like a great void, dragging me down into the depths of a black ocean. She deserved so much better than the life I gave her. She's gone now because of me.

I'm so sorry, Scy.

I turn and hug the other two, holding what's left of my family tight. Sharing in our pain while the world stands still around us. This didn't have to happen.

I let go when I feel like I have the strength to stand again. I call them back and head out of the alley, away from this city, this awful place, leaving death in my wake. Patchy isn't snoring anymore. The only sound is my boots on hard clay and Muscles' whimpering.

I'm tired of this world. It's time to finish what I started.

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