Chapter 1

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I Do Not Own Any Of  Agents Of Shield Even Though I Wish I Did And So Do You

Chapter 1

Skye's/Daisy's pov:

"Team meeting" Coulson called. "I found something interesting on security feeds in Philadelphia Pennsylvania." Shows a picture of Grant Ward on the screen.

"I thought you killed him back on the planet Coulson?"

"WHAT" Daisy yelled. "YOU KILLED HIM. I thought we were better than that Coulson. Wait wait wait wait. You said that "it" killed Ward. You did?" Daisy said shocked and shacking her head. "How?"

"Skye I don't think-'' Coulson tried to say

"How?" Daisy said with more force and anger.

"That's CLASSIFIED" Coulson stated

"Bullshit. Fitz you were there and don't you dare lie to me."

"I-I-I don't think you want to know."

"Fitz just tell me, it's not like I care about him." Daisy said starting to get louder.

"Are you sure Daisy cause it seems like you do" Jemma

"I DON'T" Daisy yelled then she realized something "At least I don't think I do" she mumbled under her breath.

She is almost positively sure Lincoln herd what she mumbled from the fact he is standing right next to her and by the way his face looks. Almost like he is hungry and jealous.

"Please just tell me what happened. Please"

she said practically begging.

"Promise you won't get mad?" Fitz asked

"Fitz don't." Coulson said shooting a warning glare his way.

"What sir. She is going to find out any way some how. Might as well just tell her now by one of us rather than her finding out from someone else." Fitz says

Daisy is starting to feel nervous for asking about how Grant died. Wait what since when did she start calling Ward Grant? But she has a feeling she not going to like it, No scratch that she knows she is not just going to not like it, she is going to hate it and probable hate Coulson.

"Coulson tied him up and shoot him twice while he was defenseless..." Fitz looked at Daisy and saw a mad look on her face and what seemed to be the start of tears. "then they started to fight because Ward got loose and Coulson started to beat him up and shoot him again so he was lying on the ground. He got on top of Ward and started to apply pressure to his chest until his it caved in and he crushed his rib cage and heart." Fitz looked at Daisy to see her reaction.

Daisy was mortified. She had tears coming down her face. She looked at Coulson for an explanation on why he didn't but Coulson wouldn't look at her. Lincoln tried to Comfort her but she pushed him away and ran to her bunk sobbing and beyond angry with Coulson and with Fitz for letting him do it.

Daisy laid on her bed sobbing and thinking about all the good times she has had with Grant. She thought about training, the missions they went on together, and when they played battle ship together and he would laugh and smile.

The thought of Grant smiling and laughing brought a smile to her face. She just then realized that she still had feelings for Ward and they weren't just plain old feelings... She was in love with Grant Ward the traitor and she doesn't know why she can't move past him.

Back at the meeting:

"You shouldn't have done that Fitz" Coulson said

"We can't keep keeping her from the truth of what you did. And as you can see she clearly still has feelings for Ward. Besides she was going to find out even if I didn't tell her now and she would be even more furious with you for keeping it from her." Said Fitz

"I don't know about you but I am glad Coulson did what he did. Now that son of a bitch is gone." Hunter said

"HUNTER" Bobbie yelled

"What? He deserved what he got for what he did to you" Hunter stated

"I know what he did to me Hunter, but that doesn't mean that Coulson has to go killing him in cold blood like Ward did." Bobbie said

"What are you saying Agent Moorse?" Coulson asked.

"Im saying that you just proved that you are no better than Ward is." Bobbie said storming off heading for Skye's room.

In Skye's/Daisy's room:

"Hey Daisy. Can I come in?" Bobbie asked on the other side of the door. She didn't hear any movement and the door wouldn't budge. "Look Daisy if it makes you feel any better I'm on your side. And I just yelled at Coulson for doing what he did to Ward and saying that he is just like him now." She heard some shuffling on the other side and the door opened with a puffy eyed and tear stained cheeks. "Hey" Bobbie said

"Did you really yell at Coulson or were you just making that up cause I just realized I was lied to by the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D and my father figure and just figured out that he killed the man that I'm in love with." Daisy looks at Bobbie and laughs "You most think I'm crazy now saying that I'm in love with the man that helped in the kidnapping of you and torturing." She said while starting to cry and goes and sits on her bed. "God I am such an idiot. Why do I have to be in love with a traitorous bastard? I mean I have a nice boyfriend and all." Bobbie comes and sits on the bed and offers a hand of comfort. "I don't know what to do Bobbie help me please."

"Here I have an idea. How about we go and track down "it" and see if we can save Ward. And we don't have to tell anyone you don't want to tell. Okay? How does that sound?" Bobbie ask Daisy

"That sounds really good." Daisy says with a small smile.

She wants to ask Bobbie something but doesn't know how she will react to it.

"Daisy, are you ok?" Bobbie asks

"Yeah I am fine." After about a minute Daisy asks "Hey can I ask you something?" "Sure" Bobbie replies "Can you start calling me Skye again? I understand if you don't want to cause I just want something to remind me more of a happier time with Ward and I know that-''

"Skye, I would be honored to call you Skye again." Bobbie interrupts and that brings a smile to Skye's face. "Now let's go find your boyfriend and future husband." Bobbie says with a laugh while Skye rolls her eyes at what Bobbie just said.

Hi guys!!! So this is my first every Fanfiction so don't be to hard on me. I am beyond obsessed with Skyeward every since season 1 episode 1. I have read so many Skyeward Fanfictions I decided to make one of my own leave comments for what you might want to see happens next so leave comments. And if anyone Wants Coulson, Lincoln, May, Hunter, or Bobbie dead for trying to go after Ward and KILLING HIM *cough Coulson cough* sorry had a little itch in my throat I'm with you. SKYEWARD FOREVER.

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